The Obama Scandals

…and media bias:

Historically, reporters and editors have believed that their job is to disseminate news. That is no longer true. Now, most reporters and editors believe that their principal function is to prevent people from learning things they are better off not knowing. Day after day, they run interference for their party, the Democrats. Blockading inconvenient stories from making the news is job number one.

Yes. As he notes, if the parties were reversed, there would be non-stop coverage until the Republican president was hounded out of office.

[Update a few minutes later]

Joe Scarborough went on a similar rant:

“You know, if George W. Bush or any Republicans had an IRS member that went after Democrats and then there was an internal investigation launched, you would not have time or space on the front page to talk about [other] issues,” Scarborough said. “This really is a scam!”

“Scam” is far too kind a word for it.

4 thoughts on “The Obama Scandals”

  1. Let Bush out of it. What if Sarah Palin and the Alaskan Governor’s office had claimed any smidgen of her emails, requested not supeona’d, had gone misisng and were unavailable to the media?

  2. As I never tire of pointing out, the editors and reporters at Pravda and Izvestia in the Soviet Union told lies and spread propaganda for fear of being sent to the gulag. The modern American media do it willingly.

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