7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, USA”

  1. Great picture..

    Too bad we have lost the political will to do anything that dangerous.

    1. Huh? The US government does things a lot more dangerous than every day.

      I think what you’re bemoaning is that human spaceflight hasn’t been important since the 60s.

      1. The most dangerous thing any leader at NASA does is eat in the facility dining room.

          1. Choose between the grill line or hot plate line. They already decided long ago to skip the salad line.

  2. What saddens me is that Jim and dn guy probably wish we had never rebelled against England.

    1. In that alternate timeline, Jim pushed for the Crown to disband Parliament shortly after Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister.

      Saw it on an episode of Star Trek.

  3. I have to wonder about this picture. From the pitch angle and the condensation cloud, I think the vehicle would have to be at a much higher altitude and speed than would allow a flagpole to be caught in the foreground.

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