6 thoughts on “Slowing Medical Costs”

  1. That article is full of bullshit. Medical research has not slowed down at all. A lot of what has been happening is what you would expect to see happening during any period of financial crisis. People have less money to spend on healthcare just like they have less money to spend on everything else. So the sector is being forced to rationalize costs and get leaner as a result.

        1. Well it’s not like you cited something from the Social Science Research Network,
          or a evidence based study. No here are her own words

          “If health-care cost growth is slowing down because we’re working a lot of inefficiency out of the system, then the slowdown is obviously a big win for everyone except health-care providers and their shareholders. ,,,,,

          But health-care cost growth might be slowing down for other reasons. Innovation might be slowing down,,,,,,

          Or the slowdown in cost growth might reflect broader growth trends in the economy.,,,,

          Well, I think we can be pretty sure that public policy is not,,,,,

          It could be a matter of better practices in the industry,,,,,

          Technological decline seems more plausible,,,,

          The most worrying possibility is that this reflects a broader slowdown in how fast everything can grow.

          Over the long term, there’s only one way to find out if this is great news, and that’s to wait and see what happens — to our budgets and to our health. In the meantime, I’m afraid that the happiest stories also look the least likely to me.”

          Let’s see she says “If,,, Might, Might,,, Seems, i think, Possibly and we don’t know” These are for those who have studied in school called Conjectural propositions.

          Otherwise known as Megan McCardle posits some nonsense and then writes 600 words.

          But it’s red meat to the right wing….

          ( 3,,,,2,,,1,,, Howl!)

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