Our Detached President

Even his fellow Democrats are giving up on him:

“The Democratic party is like a wedding party with the common goal of getting to the ceremony on time,” a former Democratic congressman told me. “There is a caravan of cars, but the lead car is driven by a guy who is weaving in and out of traffic and is dangerous to the other cars behind him. Do you follow the guy you agreed to follow, or do you make your own way to the wedding? More and more people are leaving the caravan.”


8 thoughts on “Our Detached President”

  1. People don’t seem to get the detached appearing Obama that showed in the first Presidential debate against Romney WAS the real Obama.

    Bob Clark

  2. Obama’s approval rating from Democrats is 79%, about what it’s been all year. He remains very popular with his party.

    1. Reuters had Democrats approving about 80% at the beginning of the year. Now it is closer to 72%. It will be interesting how his feckless reaction to MH17 will affect things.

    2. “He remains very popular with his party.”

      Too bad he is America’s President and not just the Party Leader. Obama ran on uniting the country but he has turned to be a giant dick. The jackass is the perfect mascot for him.

  3. The Democrats paying attention (the ones looking at the bad things about to happen in November) understand he isn’t really a help (outside of getting rich plutocrats to part with their money so they don’t become victims of the revolution) to them. Guys like Jim can pretend that Obama doesn’t suck at his job, but the people who’s livelihoods depends on winning elections can’t. They have to deal with the reality on the ground, which isn’t looking good for them.

    As to Obama’s actual detachment, that can hardly be surprising to anyone who bothered to read his resume back in 2008. You will find nothing in it that indicates Obama has an interest in, let alone talent for, governing. He likes adoring crowds, flying in the big jet, and making selfies with other world leaders. The whole “working with people who disagree with you and making things work in reality, not just rhetoric” thing is just too much work for the “light bringer” to dirty his hands with.

  4. Another problem is that Valerie Jarrett and Obama have been trying to run the US like Chicago. It’s all they know, so it’s what they’re trying. Unfortunately for them and all of us citizens, they cannot get what they want from the Republicans, foreign governments, and terrorist organizations by revoking their liquor licenses, sending the health inspectors to their restaurants every day and fining them to the max for every possible violation of city regulations, or plowing their streets last every time there’s a blizzard.

    1. If only Obama played hardball like that in geopolitics.

      He treats his domestic political opponents worse than Russia, NK, and I would say AQ but he hasn’t droned any of us yet but his administration was plotting to throw us in jail and I doubt it would be as nice as gitmo.

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