7 thoughts on “Profit”

      1. “I believe in profits, but I don’t believe in monopoly crony capitalism.”

        Likely translation: “I believe in profits only when people make money in ways that I approve.* Anything else I’ll call ‘crony capitalism.'”

        *And “by I approve” he means “when the websites and blogs I get my talking points from tell me I should approve.”

  1. The “monopoly crony capitalism” of which dn-guy speaks used to be called “Mercantilism”. In this, dn-guy agrees with the Founding Fathers.

  2. Since the left doesn’t believe in profits [for their political enemies and is willing to use government force to achieve it.] Shouldn’t we be fighting fire with fire? Shouldn’t we be denying them money from government taxpayers at every turn? Denying Lois Lerner’s pension is a very small start.

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