“Fear Of Being Thought Racist”

Old Blighty is suffering a real blight:

In August 2013, four women launched legal action against Rotherham council over ‘systematic failures’ to protect them from ‘sexual abuse by predatory men when they were children’ according to their lawyers.

One girl, known only as ‘Jessica’ claims she was abused daily as a 14-year-old by a 24-year-old man after social services failed to accept that she was a victim grooming.

On one occasion married father-of-two Arshid Hussain was even caught with the half naked schoolgirl under his bed but documents revealed that police arrested her – and let him go.

These are the wages of multi-culturalism. And they’re being paid by the innocent.

[Update Thursday morning]

An interesting take from Richard Fernandez:

Doubtless there’s nothing in his religion that explicitly instructs it believers to act thus, but there’s something in the atmosphere. The BBC reports that investigators have only now just discovered “child sexual exploitation is happening in a ‘number of towns’ in different parts of the country”. Rotherham might just be the tip of the iceberg.

But Muhbeen Hussain is at least fighting his side, arguing his cause. Our problem, as Hussain notes, is that the Western elites have quit fighting theirs. If the British authorities really wanted peace with the “Asians”, they should have as he suggests, arrested them. Assent is consent, or may be perceived as such.

You may disagree with Hussein. You may hate what you think is his side. But at least he’s no traitor, not to his side at least. Not like those mealy mouthed politicians in Rotherham. As Daniel Hannan notes “interesting to see whether people in Rotherham keep voting for Labour councils. On the evidence so far, they will.” Because the arrangement is the “Asians” will vote for Labour and in return Labour will let them practice their traditions unhindered under the color of diversity and tolerance. Expect Labour to dominate in Rotherham until the day the Democratic Party loses Detroit.

The role of radical Islam in Britain is as the proxy Brownshirt wing of the Left. The Left knows that if it can terrorize a town into surrendering — and indeed a nation — into surrendering their children with their proxy thugs, then the door is open to everything. Rotherham is not about racism. It is about fascism: about aspiring tyrants with impeccable double-barreled Anglo-Saxon names, wearing fashionable dress nightly luring a passive population into the chute of slavery with dulcet tones over national TV. And if you don’t listen to them, then you’ll heed the boys with the funny hats.


[Update a while later]
More thoughts from Ann Althouse:

I’d like to see more detail about this “fear of being thought as racist.” It sounds like a confession of deliberate law enforcement paralysis, a choice to permit thousands of children to be raped for decades on end, because of befuddlement about how on earth to begin to do anything without looking bad or because of a sense that your community is already hopelessly overwhelmed by evil forces that will only become more aggressive and violent if opposed.

That’s pretty much the point.

[Update a few more minutes later]

Muslim gang rapists: Why can’t we be honest about it?

…only a racist would believe this is a “Pakistani” problem. It isn’t. It’s a cultural phenomenon unique to Muslim communities, as suggested by the prevalence of father-son combinations in so many of the gangs, wherever in the world they appear. And here’s another clue it’s not just about brown-on-white crime: Britain’s Sikh community has been complaining for years that its young girls are being targeted by Muslim rapists.

But good luck figuring out the complicated racial and religious dimensions to these crimes if you’re getting your news from the Guardian. That newspaper, together with some parts of the BBC, is committing the same error in judgment that the police and council in Rotherham did over all those years. They are turning a blind eye to obviously pertinent facts of the case for political reasons.

There are complex religious and cultural reasons why Muslim men are drawn to rape in gangs, often in family units, with fathers, sons and uncles all raping the same women. But how will we ever know why this is so, and begin to tackle it, until we are honest about what’s happening?

We won’t.


[Update a few minutes later]

This is a tale of apologists, misogyny and double standards.

44 thoughts on ““Fear Of Being Thought Racist””

  1. This “white guilt” garbage is going to get us all killed.

    The irony is that white people, as a whole, are about the least racist people on Earth.

  2. This is what comes of Western social service bureaucracies, deeply and uniformly afflicted with the twin mental illnesses of political correctness and multiculturalism, failing to recognize that in most Islamic cultures the physical abuse and coercive sexual abuse of children is normative. With no scruples about thus abusing their own children, how is it in any way surprising that transplanted Muslims enthusiastically extend their perverse attentions to the unfortunate children of “infidels” among whom they have chosen to live? Literally blinded by their Leftist ideology, Western social services workers are incapable of crediting what they see every day with their own eyes.

    So it goes. Like most of the social ills attributable to Leftism, this one is guaranteed to get appreciably worse before it gets better.

      1. That is a real issue within the Catholic church, but to deliberately smear everyone else in the Christian faith is remarkably stupid.

        1. It’s not a smear – it’s a fact. The Catholic Church was for decades engaged in covering up pedophilia among the ranks of their priests, in the US, Ireland and UK.

          1. What part of “…everyone else in the Christian faith…” did you not understand?

            I’d call you an idiot, but some idiot somewhere would be offended by the comparison.

          2. The original post is faulting a large group of people because a subset of them did something wrong.

            So, since a subset of Christians (Catholic priests) did something wrong, the larger set (all Christians) is at fault.

          3. The Church knew it was wrong. What they did about it is a different story. The difference, that you are not seeing, is that this is not considered wrong in a huge swath of Islam.

          4. One of the most interesting features of “Christianity” is that if you place 100 Christians of different denominations in a room, and ask them to agree on one thing, there will be no unanimity. However, 99 of them will agree that Catholics are not Christians.

          5. “One of the most interesting features of “Christianity” is that if you place 100 Christians of different denominations in a room, and ask them to agree on one thing, there will be no unanimity. ”

            Another equally interesting feature is that they won’t then try to kill, maim, and behead the others because they don’t believe quite the same things.

        2. I’m pointing out that, that’s exactly what Dick’s doing – smearing all Muslims.

          Wodun’s on to it.

          1. Surely all Muslims do not support what happened but this is also not an isolated incident. This isn’t a story of an Imam that was discovered to have sex with one of his parishioners. This is a story of organized sex slavery that has its roots in the culture and religion of the perpetrators. The very same thing could happen in the absence of any religion but in this case, it is important to look at the whole picture and not be dismissive of things that contradict the PC narrative, just as it would be important to analyze a criminal organization that did this in the absence of religion.

            So while all of Islam is not complicit, it is important to acknowledge the role that religion and culture play in cases like this just like when a white racist kills a Jew or black person we don’t condemn all white people but we acknowledge the role that hate groups play in generating violence.

      2. Mind if I point out that child abuse is a problem common with all humans? There is not an organization that deals with children that has not had cases of child abuse sexual or otherwise.

        Catholics did not deal with their scandal very well because they view the behavior as a choice, a sin that can be repented, and the person reformed rather than biological.

        This story is different. It is about more than just abuse. It is about sex slavery.

        1. not really. The Catholic priests involved in the sex abuse scandal did all sorts of reprehensible things to their victims and used all sorts of coercion to keep the activities under wraps.

          1. Sexual abuse by public school officials is far worse than what happened in the Catholic church. Public schools get a pass by those who hate Catholics much like Filner and Clinton got a pass.

            You will not find an organization, who deals with children, that does not have a sexual abuse case in their history.

            Underage prostitution and sex slavery rings are far different than your average case of sexual abuse.

          1. Some Muslims don’t but this is a cultural problem with the Muslim community. They have taken over sections of various European countries and men and women who do not obey sharia law are subject to harassment and intimidation. They view these European girls as kuffar and infidels and under their religion this means that they are allowed to abuse them. It is the same ideology that is behind ISIS and the multitude of other Islamic militants.

            Women are not treated any better in Pakistan, where many of the immigrants in this story are from.

            Slavery is still common in the Muslim world. Qatar is using slaves to build their stadiums for the next World Cup. Other “moderate” Muslim countries also have slaves. ISIS and the jihadis are making slaves of the women they steal. Many Muslims who are “moderate” do not engage in violence but they support the philosophy that drives the extremists and they funnel them money. They share the same political views.

            Islam needs a reformation. The problem is that “moderates” agree in large part with the militants. Also, anyone who speaks out or organizes against the militants is killed and tortured. The word moderate implies that the people are not prone to use violence to change society but that means they just get killed by those who do use violence.

            Sexual abuse is a human condition but the circumstances are not universal. In this case religion plays a large role in the justification for the abuse. And as was pointed out, abuse was not part of Catholic ideology but rather against it.

          2. When ‘good’ muslims start reporting the bad to the authorities, start testifying against them in court, start demonstrating against them in the streets, stop funding their activities, then you can say most muslims.

            BTW, most Jews and Christians and practitioners of other religions do that right now. Not all, which is unfortunate. Not most muslims, however.

            Until you can say most muslims, it is appropriate to accuse most muslims of being heinous..

          3. It’s more than a cultural problem Wodun, though it is that. It’s an institutional problem in that dehumanizing others is central to the Islamic faith. Good muslims must dehumanize others.

  3. This was widely known even before I left the UK in 2007, but anyone who mentioned it in polite company was shouted down as RACIST! Even though on the few occasions when abusers ended up in court, you immediately knew it would be gentlemen of a certain persuasion.

    Of course, many of the girls involved are from the welfare underclass, which makes it a double whammie for the left. They’d simultaneously have to admit that maybe single motherhood isn’t as wonderful as it’s made out to be, and that multiculturalism has introduced undesirable behaviour on a massive scale.

    Needless to say, the odds of any of the burrowcrats ending up in court are probably even lower than the odds of the IRS email-losers ending up there. So we’ll be reading the same things about another Northern English town in a few years.

  4. It’s encouraging to read that some countries are considering revoking citizenship of those that participate in Jihad. A bit slow but encouraging.

  5. The Catholic priest scandal is a useful comparison for a different reason:

    We will always be able to go back into the archives of left-wing websites to see how many had harped on that issue, but made the choice to continue to remain silent on this one.

    1. That is a horrible standard to use. Every so often, I try to convince my liberal friends that Rand does have at least one good argument about some topic. I point to various things he’s written. If they can retort by pointing to all the things he *didn’t* write, I’ll never get anywhere. I think you should judge writers by their words, not by their lack of words.

      1. “I think you should judge writers by their words, not by their lack of words.”

        First they came for the young girls, and I said nothing…

        1. You’ve got a lot of nerve referring to Niemoller. I think we all can see what sort of person you are, given your lack of comment on the Naxalites in Andhra Pradesh.

          1. Yes bob: RandyBeck, cthulhu, and Rand are the bad people being discussed in this thread. Complain about their behavior. It is what we expect from you.

            But the rest of us recall that this post is about Muslims building a system in Rotherham to sexually abuse young girls, and that people knew it was going on and feared if they brought it up, they would be chastised for bringing up Muslims abusing young girls. I don’t think many of us have to go any further than this thread to imagine where the people of Rotherham got such an idea.

          2. People who have evidence of child abuse need to help stop it. I’m only commenting on the idea that you can look at what uninvolved bloggers don’t comment on to make conclusions about what those bloggers support.

          3. I’m only commenting on the idea that you can look at what uninvolved bloggers don’t comment on to make conclusions about what those bloggers support.

            Excellent bob, just keep commenting on the bloggers. Ignore Muslims putting young girls into sexual slavery. We wouldn’t want you to lose your chance to shame bloggers.

          4. Leland, I am talking solely about uninvolved bloggers because I’m replying to
            RandyBeck’s comment:
            “We will always be able to go back into the archives of left-wing websites to see how many had harped on that issue, but made the choice to continue to remain silent on this one.”

            I shouldn’t have had to explain that to you.

          5. Keep the focus bob, nothing else to talk about in thread but commenters. A few young girls raped, no biggie, but a commenter that notes the silence from those who were aware of the rape, why that commenter needs to be called out for daring to complain. Shame on RandyBeck, eh bob? Comment after comment of shame, and one token sentence to show that you think hiding rape is wrong, just one sentence. 6 comments shaming commenters though.

            I’m starting to think the villagers of Rotherham were right to fear the progressive shaming. Partially right, in that progressives would come out to scold them. Totally in wrong in not knowinng what to do with the pathetic progressives and there messed up sense of moral authority.

      2. It’s about a pattern, and not simply a few isolated cases.

        We can pretty well predict what evils they’ll jump on, and which ones will make them hide under their beds.

        1. When it comes to UPDF vs ADF in places ranging from North Kivu to Bundibugyo, I think your lack of a comment is entirely predictable and it shows us exactly where you stand.

          1. You seem to be under the impression that this is an obscure story, and that it’s somehow understandable that it’s fallen under the radar of the enlightened.

            What you seem to be missing is that we do see some liberal news sites reporting on it (e.g. The Guardian). The fact that they actively choose to ignore the uncomfortable elements only works to underline my point.

  6. Isn’t this the same sort of knowing toleration of horror that permitted Kermit Gosnell to continue abusing young black and immigrant women?

    1. I have to say, the case of Kermit Gosnell does bear striking similarities. More than a decade of illegal abortions (including at least one forced abortion), deplorable, filthy work conditions, illegal proscriptions for Oxycontin, and even a number of very serious injuries and deaths (things for which the authorities were often informed), yet he managed to keep going.

      I don’t know from the news stories how he was able to continue for so long, but it seems to be a combination of several factors: his ethnicity (African American), the “not-my-job” phenomenon exhibited by the various regulatory and law enforcement agencies, and his nominally legitimate business – providing abortions to poor women in Philadelphia.

  7. More information:

    When she was 12, Child H was found in the back of a taxi with a man who had indecent pictures of her on his phone. Despite the full co-operation of her father, who insisted his daughter was being abused, police failed to act. Four months later, Child H was found in a house alone with a group of Pakistani men. What did the police do? They arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly and ignored her abusers.

    And then:

    Denis MacShane, MP for Rotherham from 1994 to 2012, actually admitted to the BBC’s World At One that “there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat, if I may put it like that. Perhaps, yes, as a true Guardian reader and liberal Leftie, I suppose I didn’t want to raise that too hard.” Much better to hang on to your impeccable liberal credentials than save a few girls from being raped, eh, Denis?

    I’m starting to think leftie desire for more government means paying people to do nothing, while pretending their purpose is to actually protect the unfortunate.

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