7 thoughts on ““Accelerating” SLS”

  1. The weird wackiness of this is made even wackier by the fact that there’s not one bit of schedule pressure on SLS, whereas giving that money to Commercial Crew a few years ago might’ve shaved 6 months off dependence to the Sov—er, Russians.

  2. I wish more media open stories like this one:

    U.S. Senator Bill Nelson says it is time to get to Mars, and he is willing to put taxpayer money where his mouth is.

    1. WOW!
      I know I am impressed. What an incrediably heroic and brave stance this politican took. He is actually willing to put my MY money where his mouth his.

      If only more politicans could be this stalwart.

  3. “The newest generation of NASA rocket, called the Space Lunch System, or SLS, has been plagued with delays and budget overruns”

    I just hate it when lunch is delayed like that. Definitely worth another $225 million.

    1. No wonder they’re cranky…. if I was told my lunch was being delayed until 2019 at the earliest, I’d be cranky too!

  4. Come on this train wreck is not going fast enough, how can we make it go faster ? Put some push behind it, get it really rolling. Otherwise what kind of a lame kaboom will you be expecting ..

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