9 thoughts on “The War On Poverty”

  1. “The left always wants to wage war on domestic problems, while ignoring actual enemies.”

    That’s because waging war on domestic problems is a great gig!! You never have to win because you can always blame the other side for not allowing you to do everything you want. In fact you must always allow the other side to win a couple of little points so that they can be later used as punching bags.

    You never stand to lose your power or go to jail or be hung when you lose the war. And you must always lose the war because it’s better if the war goes on.

    It is a means of adding huge amounts of power to yourself and the bureaucratic nightmare that is the Federal government.

    What’s not to like?

    1. There is something in common between the two; in each case there are groups of people, other than the federal government, who’s actions effect the outcome.

      Would quitting either lead to a rise in the behavior being combated? I am not sure about poverty but without a doubt quitting the Long War, will lead to an increase. People who think, not saying you do, Islamic militants are solely motivated by our foreign policy circa 2001 and Bush are delusional.

  2. Although facts are stubborn things, they will still be ignored by the left. The reason is, of course, not to help poor people, but to stick it to rich people.

  3. Alas, Rand, you are totally mistaken. the war on poverty has been a colossal success in its real purposes–creating a massive job program for leftie administrators, counselors, and assorted apparatchiki; and building a huge army of reliable voters who will always turn out to vote for the Party, thus preserving their free sh#t.

    1. As with the SLS, there are different metrics for measuring success than what most of us would use. No, the “War on Poverty” didn’t end poverty, especially when the government gets to define poverty as it sees fit. However, it was a remarkably successful power enhancing and vote buying program for the Democrats. In two generations, it let the party of slavery and Jim Crow to have a rock solid 95% of the black vote in election after election.

  4. I’m sure PBS “Frontline”, CBS “60 Minutes” et al will be on this like white on rice.

    Yeah, I know. Not funny.

  5. “It didn’t work.”

    “Double the funding!”

    But I agree it worked exactly as the left wanted. Now it is a war we (taxpayers) have lost.

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