12 thoughts on “Space “Taxi””

  1. If I recall, ya didn’t like shuttle either. So… what short word should be used for an earth ascent and reentry vehicle? Not being snarky, but I can’t think of a good one.

  2. I would think that Spacecraft would be enough. Or does spacecraft imply a spacebased only type of vehicle? Which I would think would be called a spaceship, a ship for space.

  3. Technically, a more accurate term for such vessels would be “tender” or “bumboat”, but I wouldn’t look for either term to gain traction anytime soon. There’s really no reason to not just call them “spacecraft” for now.

    1. Hey I really like bumboat and the passengers would get a kick out of it too. It has the advantage of being both accurate and relatively unused. Plus it’s educational in that its usage would have to be explained. It has a talk like a pirate flavor as well. I second. All in favor?

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