3 thoughts on “The Ebola Outbreak”

  1. I am thinking of the doc who chugged 12 litres of dehydration fluid to stay alive.

    Was he just lucky, or do you think there are some aggressive but low-tech measures that could get people through this?

  2. If there are, you had better not try them until my Comrades at the FDA have given their approval. Otherwise you risk substantial fines, prison time, or worse.

  3. This situation if not good, it’s horrific, words can’t describe all that is happening, I’m sure. And I’ve never seen an epidemic, I hope I never do. But the ‘reaction’ this has gotten from countries outside Africa, is so ridiculously lacking, that I’m damned near speechless. Damned near… People go bat sh1t crazy sending aid to these same countries, if there’s a flood or a hurricane, or other natural disaster. But this time, seems like no one is doing much.

    Having said that.

    I’m all for countries being free, and people too, I wish everyone had our [real] Constitution [or at least the one we used to have…]. But these countries wouldn’t be in this shape, IF they were still colonies / protectorates of Western Countries. Yes that sounds old fashioned, 19th Century, parochial, perhaps even racist and Empirical to some people. But I’m not blaming the people in these countries for their plight, I’m blaming the dictators, ‘tribal chiefs’, Marxist Insurgents, blah, blah, blah. Hell, even when they DO get an opportunity to vote, it rarely means anything. Plus, think of the billions and billions of dollars, rubles, yen and yuan that have been spent in Africa since the end of WWII, and for what?

    Most of it just changes hands, every time the NEW and improved, Peoples Democratic, Supreme Leader, President for Life and Grand Poobah, kills and unseats the last murdering thug, who then commits the same kinds of atrocities, all on the money from outfits like USAID. Little, or none of it, ever gets to the people.

    Instead of where they are now, and have been, imagine these same countries, under European Rule over the last 50, 60, or 70 years. Imagine Sub-Saharan Africa, running like Puerto Rico, or American Samoa, or even the Mariana Islands. Or the Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, The Falklands. Hey, even New Caledonia is better off than 90% of Africa, and the French ‘administer’ that!

    I understand that the protectorates, and such, don’t have as many ‘freedoms’ as many of us, or as many as they have other places around the globe. But they haven’t spent the last 3 1/2 Generations, living in Civil Wars, Tribal Wars, inter-country wars, intra-country wars, diamond wars, gold wars, SLAVERY, death, mayhem and disease like they have in Africa either.

    I am by no means a hand-wringer, nor bleeding heart of any kind. That I think they were better off under a colonial system should prove that. But you’d think the countries and people of the world would have reacted quicker and better. If for no other reason, self=preservation.

    I wonder how many of the millions of people who deid from the Spanish Flu in 1918 – 1920 thought, “…aw, that’ll never here!”

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