2 thoughts on “The House Benghazi Report”

  1. Few people understand the basics of foreign relations. People that do should be privately strategizing so that Benghazi type situations never happen again. The time to make this an issue is when we have a president like Reagan to explain the important points to the American people. It’s too easy for the left to muddy the waters when people don’t understand the issue in the first place.

    Benghazi was an outrage, but the real outrage is we have media bimbos being the educators. An attack on an embassy is an act of war on American soil. The host country is responsible regardless of who does the actual attack. These two points should never be allowed to be diminished and remove any muddy waters.

    Our response should always be to engage the host countries cooperation in dealing with the attackers or disengage if they are unable to be effective. Having an American embassy is a privilege that not all countries deserve. We have other ways of getting intelligence and should be using them in all countries that don’t have embassies which should all be considered hostile.

    1. “An attack on an embassy is an act of war on American soil. ”

      To add to the outrage, top officials lied about the identity of the attackers and their motives. That is far more serious than typical Western political corruption. That is aiding and abetting an enemy.

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