6 thoughts on “Whiny Harvard Professors”

  1. The Thugocracy should dispatch the canine-loyal Baghdad Jim to Harvard, to re-educate these whiners and show them you just can’t go wrong submitting to Dear Leader.

    1. I don’t think Jim is loyal to the Dear Leader, they just happen to be on the same side. When Dear Leader is no longer a leader, Jim will suddenly discover that maybe Obama really was an destructive idiot. But he was better than the alternatives, of course.

  2. Oh the irony is SOOOO rich…….

    And it just goes to show (again) how the Lefties have grandiose ideas to solve problems so long as THEY don’t have to suffer like the rest of us proles.

    But when they do have to pay watch the squeals!

    1. But they’re special! They have fancy degrees and teach at Harvard! Expecting them to live by the same standards they want to impose on us is just crazy talk! /sarc

      For all I care, they can consume excrement and expire, slowly.

  3. They are also oblivious to the fact that many of their part-time colleagues can have as much of a third of their hours, and salary, cut to stay under the the 30 hours cut off at which employers have to pay for healthcare.

    Bob Clark

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