It’s Not Tax Cuts

Listening to the “Beltway Boys” on Brit Hume’s show brings to mind an ongoing frustration with the debate.

Look, tax-rate cut fans (both libertarian and conservatives).

Expunge completely from your vocabulary the phrase “tax cuts.” There’s no sensible way to talk about this concept, because it’s an impossible task. The government has no power to reduce taxes, at least when it comes to income. All that it can do is to reduce tax rates. Reducing tax rates doesn’t necessarily result in reduced taxes, and increasing tax rates doesn’t necessarily result in increased taxes.

It’s like the video games that allow you to control velocity, but not position. Actually, it’s not even like that, because physics is physics, and you can learn how to get somewhere with a velocity controller, but economics is unpredictable.

Those of us who want to promote economic growth have to change the vocabulary, and get people to stop talking about “tax cuts,” because there’s no such thing in any predictable way. Doing so may make it easier to persuade people to support lower rates, and an increase in wealth for everyone.