3 thoughts on “Why Treat Osama As Muslim?”

  1. Truth is the first causality.

    Recently I read somewhere that trying to understand others in terms of our own thinking is one of our biggest mistakes. You can’t understand radical thinking by assuming they’re just us with the need for some tiny bit of tweaking.

    This is why radical is just the wrong way to describe them. To us, their thinking is radical, but not to them. If we never accept this we will always be wrong in our thinking… and we deserve the result of our idiocy.

    A thing is the thing. The reason ‘moderates’ don’t speak up is they are not Islamic. The Imans and others that do speak and act accordingly are the Islamic. They aren’t radical, nor are their followers. Those are the mainstream. You want them to be reformed? The only way is the Japanese way. Interestingly, ISIS is now turning them back from the pacifist country they’ve become only because of two bombs. We radicalized a militant Japan into pacifists. We should radicalize muslims in the same way until that goal is achieved.

    A pacifist muslim would consider jihad unthinkable!

    We continue this BS when we allow them to label ISIS as not true to Islam. They couldn’t be any more true to Islam. Muslim killing muslim is a tradition that began with their ‘prophet.’

    Let’s cut the BS and call things what they are, Muslim, not radical muslim. If some don’t like it, they can stop calling themselves muslim which literally means, adherent to Islam.

    We also shouldn’t be fooled by those that claim to be other than muslim when their actions betray them as liars. Lying is another tradition of Islam that goes back to its very beginning.

    George Stephanopoulos, defender of a traitor. Obama really isn’t a muslim. He’s a mishmash of all ideologies abhorrent to the traditions (that we are losing) called America.

  2. “Truth is the first causality.”

    Either you are making a statement about God and the Big Bang, or you misspelled casualty. It’s good either way.

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