13 thoughts on “Obama’s Immigration Setback”

  1. The restraining order is a gift for the GOP if, and *ONLY* if, the GOP isn’t stupid enough to turn it into a disadvantage, such as by nominating a pro-amnesty candidate. Or, by the speaker bringing up the issue in congress over and over again (just like he’s been doing for over a year now).

    I hope like heck I’m wrong, but my prediction is unchanged; the GOP will nominate a pro-amnesty candidate like Bush or Rubio, and as a result lose the election (because there are a lot of people who won’t vote for a pro amnesty candidate, period).

  2. Ahnuld says, “Is this a dream, or is it real?”

    We have definitely gone down the rabbit hole. I have never been more disgusted with politics.

    One judge, like Gandalf, stands over the abyss… “thou shall not pass.”

    Obama the Balrog? I can see it.

  3. I can pinpoint the day when California went from purple to deep blue. It was after the initiative to stop illegals from getting welfare and throwing their kids out of pubic schools passed. ( It was later deemed unconstitutional by the state supremes) After that, the illegals and their children (the most common name for all babies in LA County in the late 80s was “Jose”) became politicized and got involved in the political process as Democrats. The conservatives who implemented that initiative were 10 years too late and only managed to create a backlash which has greatly damaged Republican national prospects ever since.

    The anti-amnesty postition for Republicans is also 10+ years too late at this point and getting later by the minute. The illegals who have been in this country for more than X years should be amnestied, with a path to citizenship which consists of getting in line behind the legal immigrants waiting now. As part of the amnesty all federal funds should be with held from states which do not actively depart illegals without work permits including jail time for repeat offenders and employers who hire them.

    1. An amnesty will only achieve two things:

      1. Piss off legal immigrants. But, apparently, no-one gives a damn about them, since they were dumb enough to spend years going through the legal channels to get a green card, rather than just walking in and staying.
      2. Encourage another generation to flood across the border to wait for the next amnesty.

      As to a ‘path to citizenship’, there already is one. They can go back home and apply for a green card and go through the process from there, just like everyone else.

      1. The way the proposed amnesty rewards those who broke the rules over those who tried to follow them is one of the stronger objections.

  4. all federal funds should be with held from states which do not actively depart illegals

    AZ is sort of like that, the fed prosecutes us if we do deport illegals.

  5. The judge’s decision will keep Obama’s immigration order in the news heading into the 2016 primary season. That doesn’t seem like good news for the eventual GOP nominee.

    1. So much BS from the normal source. Likely voters in 2012 polled 2 to 1 against the DREAM Act. Thus no mandate existed for it when Obama beat Romney, and subsequently it went nowhere in Congress. Again in 2014, likely voters polled 2 to 1 against any immigration plan Obama put forward. The result, massive gains by the GOP in Congress, gubernatorial, and state legislatures. The press knows this, and will bury the story as they have everywhere except Telemundo.

    2. Even if you’re right, that’s not a bad thing. We can spin it into showing how evil business owners like you are depressing wages for normal working class citizens by allowing illegals into this country and expanding H1B visa programs so those with stem degrees are undercut by cheap foreign labor.

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