16 thoughts on “Unpatriotic Leaders”

  1. Seriously, what’s the alternative? The Republicans? The Federal government under Bush 1 and 2 and the Republican Congress expanded only slightly slower than it under Clinton, Obama and a Democrat Congress. What obsolete and intrusive agencies did the Republicans close down? They dragged the U.S. military into nation building (something that was promised would never happen on their watch) that cost trillions and was just another utter clusterf**k. And now Bush 3 is being served up as someone new and exciting instead of more warmed over crap.
    Perhaps when the Republicans can prove they can lead their way out of a paper bag and walk their talk the American population won’t be fooled again by the asshats across the aisle.

    1. Yep, the Republicans. For all your “Doom!!!!”, there are no Republican Detroits. The Holocaust. The Boat People. The DMZ. The Berlin Wall. ISIS. The return of Slavery. All these vast failures, these Crimes against Humanity? Democrats. Name the Republican failures on that scale……..

      All the more frustrating, because the great Democrat “Victories”, and the great harm they have done to this country have happened because of the despair pushed by people like you. Wilson, the American Fascist, who did so much harm, lit the World in Flames with his idiot, racist (Actual Racism, not the Democrats “I don’t like that”……) “Ethnic Self Determination”, and “Living Constitution”? Elected because you and yours split the party, let the Perfect be the enemy of the good. FDR, Mr. “Court Packer”, Mr. “Alphabet soup”, Mr. “The only reason we fought WWII was to defend Stalin”? Republican despair, Democrat Victory. President Pornstar? You and yours followed the “Perot Piper”, split the party, gave us the sociopath who sold our missile tech to the Chinese Communists, for a pittance, let Islamofacism grow, and grow, ignored their many, many acts of war against us, and almost got us NHC. You and yours bragged about staying home when McCain was running, said he was a RINO, and would be just as bad as a Democrat. You did a great job getting President Goldman-Sachs elected, and with such numbers in Congress as to have Absolute Power for his first two years. That worked out SO well, didn’t it…….

      Particularly annoying, because you so obviously don’t understand the Constitution, what the rules of the “Game” are. You want to deregulate? Only the Republicans. Such as when the deregulated the Phone company. Such as when they deregulated the airlines. They are doing what you want, but you ignore it, because “Doom!!!” is so much more exciting…… Larger deregulation? An end to a Federal department? The Republicans need to have such power as Obama had, as FDR had, as LBJ amost had. Presidency, Two thirds of the Senate, Two thirds of the House. Numbers we (The Republicans) have not seen since the Civil war. Alas, you would rather fight against the Republicans then actually accomplish your avowed goals. Sad.

      “Perhaps when the Republicans can prove they can lead their way out of a paper bag”? Whelp, none of them voted for the ACA, they won the Cold War without a shot, won the Iraq war, etc, etc. America was the most Socialist country in the World at the start of the Twentieth Century, and yet we alone seem to have avoided the fires that have consumed all the other countries who when down that path, and instead when on to become the World’s policeman. They are leading. They are getting it right. Ah, think how much more we could have done, save for quislings like you? But Republicans believe in Freedom. You get a say, even as you empower those who would put us all in shackles.

      1. Okay Robert, I will bite…which GOP candidate should one support for President in 2016? What GOP candidate should one support during the next House and Senate election cycles? What GOP candidates actually walk the walk when it comes to freedom and limited government? What GOP representatives and senators actually stood up to blunt illegal immigration, uncontrolled federal spending, worthy SCOTUS appointments, reigning in runaway bureaucracies in the EPA, dismantling Obamacare, or took a principled stand against ANYTHING?

        Directing your complaints here, in light of the GOP currently serving in the House and the Senate, is a lot of hot air. These United States are far more socialist today than we were at the start of the 20th century, and it ain’t gonna change until the establishment GOP collapses under the weight of its own lust for power.

        1. Any Republican would be better then ANY Democrat. It’s a team sport, after all. A bad Republican will be pulled by the rest of his team to do good, and a good Democrat will be pulled by his team to do Evil. Heck, I remember when Al Gore was Pro-Life……..

          And I note you have given no actual example of Republican wrongdoing, no Republican “Detroit”. Just some airy, empty frothing about freedom and limited government which ignores that ALL of the Republicans voted against the ACA, stood with the American people in support of Freedom and limited government…..

          As to “These United States are far more socialist today than we were at the start of the 20th century”? Madness. Wilson (Put into power because the Republican vote got split) was an actual Fascist.

        2. Really, it seems like the only solution is for everyone to write in their own name for every office in every election. Either that, or boycott the elections entirely.

      2. Please, don’t piss on me and tell me its raining. Clinton and Obama being elected was a direct result of Republican failures under Bush 1 & 2. A complete failure of vision and leadership. Of talking one way when getting elected, acting another way while in office. It was the Republicans pushing “comprehensive immigration reform” every bit on the scale of Obama’s current debacle at our Southern border back in 2006. Led by McCain, Bush and the rest of the party leadership who demonstrated utter contempt for conservatives who voiced a difference of opinion, thus fatally splitting the party before Obama was ever on the scene. Then it was Republicans who implemented the concept of “Too Big to Fail”, giving trillions to bail out their cronies on Wall Street while shafting the voters, and teeing up trillions more in Democrat spending splurges in the following years.

        Those shackles you are talking about are being put on us by the Republicans every bit as much as the Democrats. Can you honestly tell me that if the Republican leadership favorite, Bush 3, gets elected and Republicans retain the House and Senate that they would have the guts to actually repeal Obamacare? After what I’ve seen for the last 25 years I don’t believe it for a moment. Instead, at best they’ll just pass some weak “bi-partison” reform that only props up Obamacare further and then get down to business passing their own flavor of comprehensive immigration reform every bit as offensive to conservatives and destructive to the country as Obama’s.

        I personally vote for Republican candidates when I can because there is no alternative, but I’m under no illusion that as a whole they are nearly as vile and worthy of my contempt as the Democrats. If the Republican leadership wants my respect and money again, they can damn well start earning it by actually doing something conservative rather than endlessly talking about it and treating conservative voters as rubes to garner their vote and money.

  2. Think about what JFK was really saying. The Government is suppose to be our servant. Asking what we could do for our country? Turning that around, making Government our master. Same BS, different point on the Fascist line……

    1. I think you missed the crucial wording. JFK did not say:

      “….ask what you can do fr your government.”

      He said:

      “…..ask what you can do for your country.”

      Those are two entirely different things.

      If there’s poverty near you, fix it near you
      if there’s injustice near you, fight injustice near you.

      If everyone did that, there would be little poverty and injustice.

      But nowadays everyone wants to abdicate their responsibilities and turn it over tot he government. That’s like turning over a hunger problem to a mass murderer.

      1. To any Democrat, the Country and the Government are one. As Kennedy made clear. Volunteer? Sure, so long as WE are in charge! Thus, the “Peace Corp”. Government funded, government paid, government run “volunteers”. Then, of course, the rise of “community organizers”, because the whole way to fix poverty and injustice, as far as the Democrats figure, is to organize the community to beg the government to come in and fix things…….

  3. “I think you missed the crucial wording. JFK did not say”

    Theodore Sorensen, people Ted Sorensen . . .

  4. Maybe I’m just over cynical in my old age. But the number to watch is 51%. When 51% of the electorate is directly under the economic, regulatory, & academic control of the federal government, either directly or indirectly it’s game over… Which political party is in control of the juggernaut is irrelevant. It’s deck chairs on the Titanic. The system will never relinquish the power nor money behind a system of entitlements. Until the goose dies anyway. You’ll see it first with capital flight out of the country. Oh wait… Nevermind…. Look now for what you’ll see second. Let’s start with the “A” in the ACA. In order to maintain that first “A” it will be necessary to take a look at “probable outcomes”. The standards to be set by a committee of “independent” experts, advising the government to develop “standards of care”. Oh and supplemental insurance? Well that’s inherently “unfair” to the poor who can’t afford it and only serves to drive people out of the “mainstream” & “open” systems of health care into the “gray market”. Therefore to remove such “bad incentives” we will just make supplemental health care insurance illegal.

    The trends just look so good don’t they?

    1. The trends do look good. They are good. The number to watch is not 51%. We are NOT a pure democracy. There as so many checks and balances to stop 51% built in. The number to watch is two-thirds. The wheels come off at two thirds, as we saw with FDR and Obama……. But the trends? Gosh. Computers, desk top publishing, the Internet, private sector space flight, so many ways those who would be our masters are losing power. They are fighting back, of course, but if we don’t give into despair and hand the Democrats the keys to the kingdom in our despair (See above), we can get to a “Post-scarcity” world. If we do give up, “Let it burn”, then the fires WILL come back, oh so quickly……. https://twitter.com/davidmkim/status/436312505988939777

      1. It will be really interesting to see Republicans roll-back the ACA.

        Prediction? Won’t happen. Or let me put it this way, about as likely to happen as repeal of the 16th Amendment. Or the Social Security Act.

        Another prediction. ACA will not allow independent insurance markets to stand. Lawmakers love regulation above all else. In order to insure the greatest degree of “fairness” in the system, eventually Congress will legislate into existence a single-payer system. If not directly then by defacto through volumes of regulation, to whereby the government will be the only one capable of indemnifying the insurers and also to underwrite them to meet the coverage requirements. It is inevitable. Barring a revolution. And so easy to do. After all how many players are there in the over age 65 primary (not supplemental) health insurance business?

        Democrats? Keys-to-the kingdom? I think you are delusional. Political parties with strident ideologies are all under attack. Power abhors change. Look at what happened to the poor Tea Party and how the MSM so successfully marginalized it. The Republicans must return to bland and had better not touch any entitlements if they ever want to see the White House again. Frankly, I see no reason for optimism. I believe we are poised for the longest run of decades of one-party rule we have ever seen in the Republic. With millions of undocumented aliens able to vote in our elections with only a drivers license for id, I think we are well past the 51%. It does not take 2/3rds. I know of no other country on the planet that is so lax with its citizenship requirements or considers the right to vote as an entitlement of the poor and disenfranchised. And that includes countries that would be otherwise be considered quite “liberal/progressive” by our standards.


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