The Media’s New McCarthyism

Do you now, or have you ever had, a negative opinion about Barack Obama?

And you had better give the answer HUAC the media wants or you will be publicly and politically bludgeoned. Furthermore, you will also be destroyed if you do not publicly repudiate those among your colleagues who do not pass the loyalty test.

The media is currently on a full-bore witch hunt to root out and politically batter those in the GOP who refuse to vouch for Obama as a flag-waving Jesus freak.

Yup. It would be funny if it wasn’t so frightening.

I don’t know if Barack Obama loves his country. I don’t know if he’s a Christian (I don’t actually care whether he is or not, except for the fact that if he isn’t it’s just more evidence of his congenital mendacity). I have no evidence of either, except his word. And that’s not worth much.

[Update a few minutes later]

Who are you to criticize a government crackdown on the press, citizen?

Me, neither.