47 thoughts on “Those Terrible Tea Party People”

  1. I like Glenn Reynolds’ (Instapundit’s) comment on this story: “See, not knowing if Obama’s a Christian is over-the-top prejudice not acceptable in today’s society, but this is okay.”

  2. So a presumably white Tea Party guy is yelling “We want our country back” at a black Missouri Congressman who grew up under Jim Crow. When, exactly, did this Tea Party guy “have” his country? Why is it “lunacy” for the Congressman to not want to go back?

      1. He had his country when he had a government that obeyed the Constitution.

        Huh? Cleaver wasn’t doing anything to disobey the Constitution. But just out of curiosity, when exactly did this protester have a government that obeyed the Constitution?

        There is no reason to think it had anything to do with race.

        It has to do with a desire to turn the clock back to some longed-for past time when the country seemingly belonged to the protester. It’s totally reasonable for Cleaver to push back against nostalgia for a time when blacks and women had less political power.

        1. It’s really too bad that you can’t understand these words:

          I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

          It’s shameful that you cannot get past race. Who is living in the past?

        2. I see you want to continue your pathology to see (or at least pretend to see, for political advantage) race in everything. I am not surprised. It doesn’t get less odious from repetition.

        3. “Huh? Cleaver wasn’t doing anything to disobey the Constitution.”

          Assuming this was during the Obamacare passage, using reconciliation to pass that monstrosity was horrendous. Then there are the constant assaults on our civil liberties like today with the FCC and ATF.

          “It has to do with a desire to turn the clock back to some longed-for past time when the country seemingly belonged to the protester.”

          Lol no. He was talking about winning an election not enslaving black people.

          “It’s totally reasonable for Cleaver to push back against nostalgia for a time when blacks and women had less political power.”

          This is why people think Democrats hate America because anytime you reference the founding fathers or the principles the country was founded on you claim they really just like to enslave black people. Stupid po-mo deconstruction, try deconstructing your own ideology.

          1. Assuming this was during the Obamacare passage, using reconciliation to pass that monstrosity was horrendous.

            What does reconciliation have to do with the Constitution?

          2. What does disagreeing with Democrats over the government take over of the health care and health insurance industries have anything to do with racism?

        4. Cleaver wasn’t doing anything to disobey the Constitution.

          That particular moment – though he was previously villainizing people as racists merely for advocating the rule of law (including honoring the US Constitution) and fiscal conservatism. Similar the “presumably white Tea Party guy” wasn’t doing anything racist during the times he wasn’t yelling.

          There’s a label that gets bandied about a lot for people who see everything in terms of race, who discriminate against people on the basis of ethnicity (particularly as in the above example on the basis of one guy of presumable ethnicity and political leaning). That label is “racist”. When are you going to stop being racist, Jim?

      1. Warning: Sarcasm ahead

        Yeah, what’s Cleaver’s problem? How dare he let his experience growing up as a second-class citizen fool him into thinking that race matters to anyone anymore! Hasn’t he heard that every white American stopped being able to see race the day LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act?

    1. “So a presumably white Tea Party guy is yelling “We want our country back” at a black Missouri Congressman”

      What’s up with the racist stereotypes? Because a guy is white that means something? You can divine his soul from the color of his skin?

      So what did Obama, Biden, and the rest of the Democrats mean when they said they wanted to take the country back? Why is it that Democrats can say these things and people know that they just mean to win an election but when non-Democrats say the exact same thing it means they want to enslave black people and whatever racist crap you guys say?

      1. What’s up with the racist stereotypes? Because a guy is white that means something? You can divine his soul from the color of his skin?

        Of course he can. Because Leftists are intrinsically racist. They prove it every day with their comments.

      2. Because a guy is white that means something?

        More sarcasm ahead:

        No, of course not, being white doesn’t mean anything! How could a person’s race possibly mean anything in America?!?

        1. Race only means something in America because you race baiters, racial arsonists and hate-filled racialists perpetuate the myth and the Plantation.

          That’s what Jon meant when he said you didn’t understand “I have a dream….”

          You don’t. And I find your brand of racism disgusting.

          1. Race only means something in America because you race baiters, racial arsonists and hate-filled racialists perpetuate the myth and the Plantation.

            So there’s no anti-black racism any more? It’s just a myth? Really?

          2. Racism will never be completely eradicated (which is why I previously called straw man, as I do now). But it does not explain the plight of blacks in America today. Black (and white) leftist race hustlers just want to use it as an excuse to continue policies that actually hold blacks back.

        2. P.S. in fact your particular brand of virulent hate-filled racism is what gives us things such as the beautiful jewels of Socialism like Detroit, the unbelievable self-contradiction of racism – by you – of Asians due to your shrieking cries of….racism, the horrid educational opportunities of the poor, the destruction of the Black Family structure and the mind boggling contradiction of taking jobs away from Black Americans to give them to millions upon millions of illegal aliens all the while screaming that it is the Tea Party who is doing all this.

          Slowly, the Black Community is getting on to your party’s game. Asians are now thunderstruck at the racisms of the criers of racism. You’ve never fooled us.

          1. your particular brand of virulent hate-filled racism is what gives us things such as the beautiful jewels of Socialism like Detroit

            Wow. Do your really believe this? That Detroit’s problems are the result of racism against whites?

        3. Jim, I hope you are just trolling because it pains me to think that you really believe this crap. I understand that Democrat activists have this whole bigoted race/gender hierarchy they apply to themselves and are trying to implement in society at large but it is always the type of thing you told me didn’t exist but here you are using it.

          1. And I hope you’re trolling when you write things like “Because a guy is white that means something?” The idea that there are people who genuinely think that race has ceased to mean anything is funny as a joke on Colbert, and frightening as a description of any adult’s actual beliefs.

          2. ” The idea that there are people who genuinely think that race has ceased to mean anything”

            You judged a person based on their skin color. That because a white person said something, that it was inherently racist. That the person’s skin color was a sign of their beliefs.

            What you said was racist Jim. I don’t know if you are a racist but you have some bigoted views. Now, you are trying to move goal posts.

  3. You left out how the Tea Party WANTS dirty air and water and that they DON’T care if old people and children starve.

  4. As a conservative / Republican / Tea Party Supporter, I’m all about repealing failed Democrat laws and policies. Why on earth would I want to bring back segregation?

      1. Funny how the Party of Slavery (Democrats) are wholly silent about their own recent moves as well. Take for example, Woodrow Wilson – Father of the Progressive movement…

        The following is from a PBS web page:

        “Woodrow Wilson’s record on race relations was not very good. African Americans welcomed his election in 1912, but they were worried too. During his first term in office, the House passed a law making racial intermarriage a felony in the District of Columbia. His new Postmaster General also ordered that his Washington offices be segregated, with the Treasury and Navy soon doing the same. Suddenly, photographs were required of all applicants for federal jobs. When pressed by black leaders, Wilson replied, “The purpose of these measures was to reduce the friction Ö It is as far as possible from being a movement against the Negroes. I sincerely believe it to be in their interest.””


        But PBS – that Bastion of Progressivism – cannot just leave it like that..for Democrats there’s always a Free Pass:

        “To understand Wilson’s racial views, it’s important to remember that he was a Southerner. He was rised in a climate in which it was presumed that African American people were less evolved than Anglo Saxon people.” Victoria Bissell Brown.

          1. Yes, and Washington was the Founding Father of the United States. Does that mean that Washington’s racial views indict everything American?

          2. Yeah we never hear about THOSE executive orders do we?

            Speak for yourself. Wilson’s racism is no secret among Democrats of my acquaintance.

          3. ” Does that mean that Washington’s racial views indict everything American?”

            According to Democrats, yes it does. And you wonder why people think Democrats hate the USA.

        1. Gregg writes:

          Democrats) are wholly silent about their own recent moves as well

          And then goes on to cite actions taken in a mere century ago. So let me get this straight: Emanuel Cleaver is supposed to get over the racism he experienced under Jim Crow, because that’s old news. But Democrats in 2015 are still on the hook for what Wilson did in his first term? That’s quite a double-standard you have going there.

          1. No, it’s because Democrats have a smarmy attitude that they are above racism, and we are merely pointing out the history of your party.

            With regards to Cleaver, you brought up racism when it had nothing to do with racism.

          2. “Emanuel Cleaver is supposed to get over the racism he experienced under Jim Crow”

            He certainly shouldn’t blame people protesting Obamcare for Jim Crow and you shouldn’t scapegoat Republicans for the sins of Democrats.

  5. After having been accused of it for so long, I’m half tempted to agitate for those very things. What else are they going to do, yell at me for doing what they were already yelling at me for doing?

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