Hillary’s Email

She’s been getting away with this kind of thing for decades. Why wouldn’t she think she can continue?

…the episode already confirms what attentive observers have long known: If the Clintons return to the White House, we can expect more suspicious secrets, stonewalling, and opaqueness, much as we’ve seen in the past. Voters have been given ample warning.

Yup. And unlike the nineties, when the media was able to continually cover for them, there are a lot more ways of getting the news.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Sure looks like an attempt to evade federal law.”

[Update mid-morning]

Archive of Hillary’s emails discovered.


[Late-morning update]

Chappaqua, we have a problem:

Well, all these things are horrible, but then we knew (Nos. 1 and 2) that Bill and Hillary Clinton’s ethical compass has been broken for years and that they consider laws and transparency to be for the little people. I would argue, however, that it is the third that is really the worst if Hillary Clinton intends, as everyone is certain she does, to run for president. This is, of course, the most important national security issue of our time, and if she has neither the courage nor conviction to tell us what she thinks, she arguably shouldn’t be running for the job as commander in chief.

Needless to say, the political media are focused on the e-mails and not the nukes, but then foreign policy is only superficially considered and dimly understood. Whatever the emphasis, however, it is hard to escape the flashing red lights in front of party regulars and activists: Do you really need Clinton so badly that you would crown her now as the nominee? Wouldn’t it be better to have someone with no responsibility for the most egregious foreign policy disaster of our time (i.e. allowing Iran to gain a nuclear weapons capability)?

They don’t think it would be a policy disaster.

[Afternoon update]

The Clinton email scandal highlights the utter inadequacy of all the Benghazi investigations.

I think that Congressman Gowdy is going to have some interesting questions for her Highness.

[Wednesday-morning update]

Hillary’s email story keeps getting worse and worse.

I was wondering if she (or a minion) was running her own server. That would make it much harder to know which emails she released and which she didn’t.


29 thoughts on “Hillary’s Email”

  1. If the Clintons return to the White House, we can expect more suspicious secrets, stonewalling, and opaqueness

    That’s what I expect (and I expect to vote for her).

    Remind me again why the 22nd amendment is a good idea?

      1. You can get rid of any president, all you have to do is get most of the electors to vote for someone else. But if most of the electors want to give a president a 3rd term, they should be able to.

    1. Not only could we have Obama as President for Life, we could call him Princeps Civitatis! Darn that pesky 22nd amendment. Why, that rascally Constitution just gets in the way. It requires an outmoded Senate, a relic of the dead white men era and it also has freedom of religion. And that darn 2nd amendment.

      Oh wait, it also has freedom of speech. And I guess it allows women to have abortions.

    2. Well, if you want to get rid of the 22nd amendment, why not have your buddy just use a phone and a pen and write an executive order to get rid of it? It’s how he gets around the Constitution anyway.

      1. She was regal,
        the heir of Obama,
        the man who made not storing emails illegal
        but no one could find them,
        even with the use of a beagle

  2. It was the NY Times, if I’m not mistaken, that broke this story.

    Sensible people (which excludes Jim) know that the NY Times is horribly biased to the left. We also know they use their medium as a political tool….they are not pure news presenters.

    So if it was the Times who broke the story (pretty sure it was but correct me if I’m wrong), the political objective must be to destroy Hillary.

    Now who wants to do that? Hmmmmmmm….

    1. The “horribly biased” NYT also hyped the Iraq WMD nonsense. It’s foolish to read every NYT article as part of a political master plan. They ran the Clinton email story because it’s a good story.

      1. Exactly…precisely…what we expected you to say. You project onto others, what you are….just like the rest of your cronies.

        You are so predictable!

      2. What is even more amusing is how you fail to see how your side is sabotaging the very person you have announced you are going to vote for.

        You are being shafted by your own side and cannot see that…..very entertaining.

        1. The Times isn’t sabotaging Clinton, it’s reporting an important story that happens to reflect badly on her. That’s what newspapers are supposed to do.

      3. They also reported, in a rather biased manner, that Iraq really did have WMD. But that won’t stop Democrats from claiming it was a war for oil to enrich GOP donors and the faceless military industrial complex or that 9/11 was an inside job or that we lost the war prior to Obama becoming President.

          1. There was also over 550 tons of yellow cake and precursors to make more chemical weapons. The same type of stuff Obama took credit for getting rid of in Syria.

  3. For years, the Obama bootlickers said, over and over, that since the Benghazi issue has been investigated for “years” and as nothing was found, the investigations should stop. That they are only vindictive.

    Sensible people point out that the data was never in hand so the investigation isn’t complete.

    Had we listened to the bootlickers, the following may not have happened:

    “Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the special House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks, said the committee learned last summer – when agency documents were turned over to the committee – that Clinton had used a private email account while secretary of state. More recently the committee learned that she used private email accounts exclusively and had more than one, Gowdy said.”

    This is what separates the bootlickers from the sensible people

      1. Yes, the press is quick to find Republican examples but utterly fail to mention this is habitual in the Obama administration.

    1. Sensible people point out that the data was never in hand so the investigation isn’t complete.

      People can always say that the data isn’t in hand, because there will always be more data, so the investigation will never be complete. Even if you had all of Clinton’s emails you wouldn’t have recordings of her phone calls. If you had her phone calls you wouldn’t have her private conversations. What about notes she scribbled on paper and then threw away?

      1. “People can always say that the data isn’t in hand, because there will always be more data, so the investigation will never be complete. ”

        Projecting again aren’t we? Kinda like not one but two extra autopsies for the Ferguson shooting.

        Did an autopsy? don’t believe it, Holder says, I’m briging in my own man.

        But when the first cut of data isn’t supplied we aren’t even close to worrying about the 2nd and 3rd tier. Try as you might, we don’t fall for the gimmicky.

      2. ” Even if you had all of Clinton’s emails ”

        That’s the point Jim. She didn’t turn over all of the emails. And you are claiming there was nothing going on both before and after this discovery.

        But to you, it doesn’t matter what she does legal or illegal.

  4. Bootlicker tools like the “Brian Williams” approach which they are presently using on Bill O’Reilly.

    Here’s the technique being used on Jeb Bush by Heidi Przybyla:

    “Jeb Bush owns his own email server http://on.msnbc.com/1B1vUQd via @msnbc”

    Only problem is……Jeb’s s not a government official, subject to open records laws, and he’s released all his official emails. Or so he says. Of course if one can prove he hasn’t then he should be made to.

    H/T Instapundit

    1. Jeb Bush used a private account when he was governor of Florida, and released the emails he chose to release, some of them as much as 7 years after leaving office. Scott Walker’s office used a private email system when he was Milwaukee County executive. Karl Rove used a non-government email account when he was in the White House, and Colin Powell used one when he was Secretary of State.

      Clinton’s decision to use an unofficial email account is typical of her, and problematic, but far from unusual.

      Of course if one can prove he hasn’t then he should be made to.

      I think Bush has stated that he hasn’t released every email that he sent or received on his private account. We (or, at least, the people of Florida) have to trust that he’s released the ones he was supposed to release, just as we have to take Clinton’s word that she’s handed over the ones she was supposed to hand over.

      You can imagine a law that barred politicians from using unofficial email accounts for any communication related to their duties, but then they’d use phone calls or text messaging or Snapchat or some other mechanism.

      1. “Jeb Bush used a private account when he was governor of Florida, …..”

        Used it for what? Family? government?

        Is there a law in Florida that says they must use government servers whenever conducting government business – no exceptions?

        “Scott Walker’s office used a private email system when he was Milwaukee County executive. ”

        Where did you get this info? Your usual disreputable sources?

        Same questions: used for govt business? Any rule against that for that position?

        “Karl Rove used a non-government email account when he was in the White House, and Colin Powell used one when he was Secretary of State. ”

        Same questions.

        The third last person I’d believe when they say something is you. #2 is Hillary and #1 is Obama.

      2. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal story was from January 2012. Using your arguments, we should cease immediately because they haven’t found anything.

        Yep, nothing to see here. The story is 3 years old!!!

        Now, any sane person would say that it’s absolutely fine to keep looking, as it appears laws were broken.

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