The State Of The Union

Things fall apart:

The Bergdahl story actually has several layers of horribleness. The first was the prisoner exchange, which would have seemed a bad deal even if Bergdahl had been innocent of any wrongdoing—bad because it involved negotiating with terrorists, releasing captives of extreme dangerousness (five of them!), and also bad because Obama had omitted giving Congress notice although he was bound by law to do so. Then there was White House intransigence and denials in the face of mounting—and extremely compelling—evidence that Bergdahl was a deserter, which had become clear quite early on. Then there was the delay in charging Bergdahl, which was rumored to be the result of White House pressure on the military not to charge him. And maybe there will be further travesties, such as an exoneration despite convincing evidence of guilt.

But worst of all, really, was how the story dropped off the radar screen relatively quickly. That was understandable, though, because so many other terrible things were happening. That’s part of the plan, of course; to get us to play an ever-escalating game of whack-a-mole.

I realized back in 2010 (see the last paragraph of this post) that a second Obama term was to be dreaded because he would then be released from the need to answer to the electorate at all. But the electorate bears some responsibility too, as does the press and Congress. Why oh why are not more people screaming out that the emperor has been completely naked for quite some time now? And that really wouldn’t be strong enough, either, because a naked emperor may just be a fool (with foolish subjects willing to play along). This naked emperor is also malevolent.

Indeed. And sadly, too many fail to see it. Or they share the malevolence.

[Update at noon]

OK, better post title would have been “State Of The World.” Saudi Arabia and Egypt are on the verge of invading Yemen.

9 thoughts on “The State Of The Union”

  1. Based on Glenn Beck’s interview with Grover Norquist, I wonder now if both sides are simply beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood. These events certainly make more sense if the money train coming from Muslim organizations are influencing our politicians.

  2. Egypt and Saudi… that is interesting. The Egyptian government currently in power is no fan of Obama either, as he wanted them to lose too. So that’s Egypt and Israel both with governments that Obama tried to prevent. And now Egypt is about to work with Saudi Arabia to invade Obama’s only remaining success story in the Middle East. Oh yeah, and if Obama is happy enough for Iran to have the bomb, Saudi thinks it could use one too.

    Heck of a job Jimmy… oh wait, Jimmy did do a heck of a job compared to this current incompetent mess of a President.

  3. If the war spreads to the Saudi oilfields, then there is no way OPEC can keep prices down like they have the last six or so months. Watch for the price of oil to pop back up near $100/bbl.

    1. As it happens, antibiotic-resistant germs are a much bigger threat to American lives than anything happening in Yemen.

      1. Probably not, but with Obama fighting the MSRA,like what formed these antibiotic-resistant germs; Obama will stop the treatment before they are all killed making them even stronger. In that sense, Jim, you are probably correct.

        There was a time the United States was a bit more capable of handling more than one thing at a time, but in the days of Obama; handling one thing seems to be extremely difficult. It might be easier if he actually spent less time on the course and more time talking to his cabinet. Maybe then he would learn about what is happening before bad things are discovered by the press.

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