9 thoughts on “Hillary’s Server”

  1. Anyone that gets their hands on “that server” is going to find that the only hard drives present were purchased the day before at Fry’s.

    “See! Blank like I said.”

    Any actual, useful parts are either (a) buried somewhere you won’t reach with a million backhoes, or (b) encountered thermite.

    That is: This is all three card monty, and the pea is not on the table.

    Yes, I recognize this points at having some minimal competence, but -someone- will have pointed this out to her directly.

    1. That is: This is all three card monty, and the pea is not on the table.

      Or a shell game with no queen!

  2. I could delete a hard drive to the point where the NSA couldn’t recover much, without destroying the drive. But that doesn’t account for copies that might exist elsewhere, and assumes knowledge well beyond what is needed to operate an email server.

  3. Maybe Russia, China, Iran, or some other country is offering not to release her hacked drive in exchange for some goodies from Madam President.

    1. THIS is the biggest problem with all of this….by far. If people think Hillary’s server wasn’t hacked into by other countries – even for the typical purpose of finding out what the US is thinking – then they remain clueless, dweeby Obama-bots.

      The ability to then extract concessions, through extortion and blackmail, from a Clinton Administration is merely icing on the cake.

  4. Hillary! may be a douchebag but she’s not stupid; surely somebody on her staff has a copy of an NSA-approved secure erase program; you know, the kind where it overwrites every sector with a random pattern at least five times. Or has already disassembled them and beat them to death with a ball-peen hammer and a blowtorch.

    1. dd -if=/dev/random -of=/dev/sda1 …
      or something like that, repeated several times. Maybe finish off with a -if=/dev/zero.

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