3 thoughts on “The California Water Problem”

  1. Well, that does put things in perspective, doesn’t it? It’s interesting that back-of-the-envelope calculations like this don’t have to be particularly accurate to serve their purpose, but yet the irrationality prevails.

    1. People get irrational about water.

      I keep seeing Indignant People on Facebook gasping in horror at how the Mean Old Nestle President dared to say that “water is not a human right”.

      If I thought it’d do any good and not lead to a pointless conflict, I’d point out that he is absolutely right, and the worst way to improve water access among the world’s poor is to declare it “a human right”.

      But, hey, it feels mean to say it’s not a “right”, and it feels good to oppose that and call him mean.

  2. One of the best things about a drought crisis is that voters get to see who their politicians represent by who gets punished or stopped or limited and by how much. By the way, the politicians you voted for don’t represent you or your interests.

    Given that the governor is building a billion dollar boondoggle while the state burns (high speed rail), along with creating draconian restrictions that cannot possibly solve the problem, it is clear what is going on here. Democrats are trying to force all legal, law abiding citizens to flee the state so that foreign criminals can take over. The only question that remains is this one: Are democrats being bribed by foreign powers to destroy the state in this way?

    The preceding conspiracy theory was brought to you by:

    Kooky Crazy California Conspiracies and Weird Weapons of the Water Warrior Wizards.

    PS, the only only way I might entertain a different scenario is if farmers and companies taking water from the state were socked with high fees, fines, restrictions and forced to use seawater that they desalinate at their own expense. You know if the ones who can pay were forced to do so rather than pretending to “do something” by punishing the poor?

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