6 thoughts on “Conservative Voters”

  1. Why is it even a problem let alone a scandal that the election polls are not accurate? The only poll that matters is the one on Election Day.

    There is nothing in the United States Constitution requiring truthful answers or any answers to poll takers. I also think it would help turnout and voter participation if people didn’t think the result was foreordained.

    1. It’s a huge problem. The news media use polls to influence opinion, not merely reflect it. If they can convince one side that their candidate has no chance, then they can hope to suppress voter turnout. Without the ability of the media to do daily “horse race” political reporting, they might have to find actual news to report. That will not do!


      1. On the other hand, one reason I’ve seen suggested for the high Tory turnout in the UK is the amount of news coverage claiming that Labour and the SNP would have enough MPs to form a coalition. There’s a stage between ‘no hope, why bother?’ and ‘OMG, we’ve got to stop THE OTHER GUY winning!’ where polls showing the other parties are ahead will encourage voters to get out and vote.

    2. ” I also think it would help turnout and voter participation if people didn’t think the result was foreordained.”

      I think that voting results for national elections shouldn’t be released until everyone around the country has voted.

  2. Surely one of the big issues is that the Welfare Class are far more likely to be home when pollsters want to poll than the Working Class who, like, have jobs and stuff.

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