6 thoughts on “Democrats”

  1. To be fair, that was taken in Ames, Iowa, home of Iowa State University, which is primarily an Agricultural school, and school was already out for the summer. That only leaves farmers and retired folks (the rest of the population of the town) to show up at the rally.

    Not that it excuses the fact that they’re all old, fat white people, but a rally during the school year may have at least included a few younger (and perhaps skinnier) white people. If they had gone to Iowa City (one of the two ‘Berkeleys of the Midwest’, UW-Madison being the other), they would have at least had old, skinny white people, since all the UI professors would have needed something to do.

  2. I don’t like using weight and race to describe groups of people when what brings them together is an ideological affinity. Race and weight have nothing to do with it and are used only to mock.

    But since this is turning the tables on the Democrats and returning their behavior, I’ll let it go.

    I bet Democrats read something like this and think its a racist way to describe these Democrat party socialists without any understanding of their own actions.

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