Chelsea Clinton Too Expensive?

Hire Ashe Schow instead!

For those who like to get the most for their money, here’s an itemized menu of what you can get if you hire me instead:

• Bargain basement price of $200 per minute (limit of three-hour event)

• $10 per person for a handshake (light grip but not limp)

• $15 per person for a photo with me*

• $20 per person for a handshake and a photo

• $25 per person for a photo in which I appear enthusiastic

• $30 per person for a hug**

• $5 per person for a minute of light conversation

• $10 per person for a minute of light, enthusiastic conversation

• $15 and speaker will call your mom on your cell phone

• $25 per person for a lengthy, deep conversation with your mom in which I tell her we’re best friends***

Seems like a much better deal to me. I like the a la carte plan, particularly the hug.

But as Ed Driscoll notes, that doesn’t allow them to contribute to the Clintons’ personal slush fund.

6 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton Too Expensive?”

  1. I’m sure that can be arranged by making Ashe Schow an honorary Clinton. I imagine the chief criteria for admission would be providing a kickback of your earnings to the Clintons. There definitely is a franchise opportunity here.

  2. This article and Rand’s comment made me wonder if Rand thinks that spending $65,000 for less than two hours of hugs “getting the most for your money”? 🙂

      1. Well, her appearance so arresting that I stopped and calculated how far the money would go.

  3. So are we done with the charade that the Occupy Movement was about the 1% and greed on Wall Street?

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