One thought on “El Nino”

  1. W’dya mean doesn’t try to blame it on SUVs?

    “The world warms, goosing Earth’s already rising thermometer from man-made climate change.”

    If climate change is driven by CO2, the C13/C12 isotope ratio in the atmosphere is way off for the increase in atmospheric CO2 to be predominantly man-made.

    I went “into this” believing what people tell me, that the CO2 in the atmosphere “turns over” by exchange with the ocean much more quickly than the total atmospheric CO2 would decay if we stopped emitting. This could be true were the CO2 diffusion-with-concentration in the ocean non-linear.

    But I have not, anywhere, anyplace seen anyone relying on anything other than a linear relationship between CO2 concentration and the rate of diffusion between reservoirs with different concentrations. Yes, ocean water has a different “buffering” of CO2 than Pepsi or Coke, but CO2 solubility and resulting partial pressures be linear to much, much higher CO2 concentrations (burrrp!, Mmmmm, let’s crack open another bottle of Coke!)

    As the air-ocean system is linear in CO2 diffusion, there is no difference between the turnover time of individual molecules and the relaxation time of the atmospheric CO2 “pulse.”

    And yes, there are slight diffusion differences between isotopes, but they are slight. If C13 could be naturally reconcentrated by air-ocean exchange as EPA claims, to counteract our diluting with C13 deficient fossil fuels, Iran and a whole lot of other people would have a uranium weapon by now.

    C’mon, wake up people . . . the C13/C12 ratio changes are an order-of-magnitude wrong for the dilution of C13 expected from fossil fuel burning. Most of what we emit is ending up in ocean water. The increased CO2 in the atmosphere is (drum roll) . . . coming from ocean water, but it would be increasing even if we were not emitting.

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