25 thoughts on “The Hillary Email Scandal”

  1. She must be apoplectic. Clinton scandals always go away. Why won’t this one?

    Quite likely because Obama doesn’t want it to go away. Not that it should go away – she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law – but the DoJ has prosecutorial discretion and can look the other way if told to do so.

  2. Uh Oh:

    “Two top Senate investigators offered potential immunity Tuesday to Bryan Pagliano, the staffer who set up the email server in former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s home, in exchange for testimony about her activities.

    Mr. Pagliano last week said he would assert his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions about the matter, but Sens. Charles E. Grassley and Ron Johnson, the chairmen of two key committees investigating the situation, said they have authority to extend immunity if Mr. Pagliano is willing to talk.”

    1. Uh-oh is right.

      UP until now I thought this thing was pure kabuki because, as was pointed out on this sight, if they didn’t offer him immunity they must not really want to hear what he has to say.

      This changes everything.

  3. Another one of those vapid empty acceptance of responsibility…as if mouthing the words means anything at all:

    “I do think I could have and should have done a better job answering questions earlier. I really didn’t perhaps appreciate the need to do that,” the democratic presidential candidate told Muir in an exclusive interview in New York City. “What I had done was allowed, it was above board. But in retrospect, as I look back at it now, even though it was allowed, I should have used two accounts. One for personal, one for work-related emails. That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility.”

    1. I wonder if she is aware that “taking responsibility” in this matter involves a few years wearing an orange jumpsuit, loss of all security clearance, and prohibition against election to any future office.

  4. I don’t see what the problem is for the Hillary campaign. It’d be very easy to relegate this e-mail scandal to the back pages, simply by launching a headline-grabbing bigger scandal to take over the front pages. Hillary has a near endless of scandals she can raise to knock her current scandals off the front pages, and there’s simply no way for the Republicans to counter this strategy.

    For example, a quid a pro quo deal can be unveiled, showing that, as SecState, she had the USA do favors for foreign entities in return for donations to the Clintons? Like maybe save a Swiss bank (such as UCB) from the IRS via ordering the IRS to know down a penalty by 95% plus excuse them from obeying reporting laws, in return for money for the Clinton foundation?

    Or, to really eviscerate the e-mail scandal and render it forgotten, go with something really big, like, say, Bill Clinton setting up a temporary fundraising arm in Sweden (thus keeping it off the Clinton foundation books) and raking in 26 million in a few weeks to a post office box, while the Swedes are busy lobbying the State Department for an exemption to the Iran sanctions for the big Sweedish firms Erickson, Volvo, and AAB. The three firms were not, in the end, listed as violators, in spite of being so (such as selling the Iranian security service cell phone trackers). Bill Clinton then shut down the enormously successful Swedish post office box that had raised 26 million in a matter of weeks.

    All Hillary needs to do is (before the FBI finds it) provide proof of a quid pro quo she was party to on the matter. That’d really knock the e-mail scandal to the back pages! (take that, Republicans!)

    Hillary is already laying the groundwork for this unstoppable strategy, via photo opps showing us how good she looks in orange, and getting us used to seeing her that way.

    And, I’ll say again, the Republicans, regardless of whether this move by Hillary is her own doing or via FBI revelations and arrests, have no way of countering it. Be very afraid, Republicans!

    1. Best new scandal would be for Hillary to announce a separation from Bill due to new information regarding his visits to lolita island and his well reknown infidelity. This way he becomes the scandal, it’s all about sex again, she can have some alone time with Huma, Bill can play a little, and then before the actual voting she can be magnanimous in excepting him back.

  5. When has a Clinton scandal ever gone away? I’m guessing there are commenters here who still think there was something fishy about Vince Foster’s suicide.

      1. Jim is correct here, yet once again.

        No Clinton scandal has indeed ever gone away. Every such scandal is a manifestation of a single scandal, the Ur Scandal, the Grand Unified Scandal.

        That this unitary scandal has never gone away is evidence of the core reality behind them. I mean, when has the VRWC (vast right-wing conspiracy) ever been right about anything let alone vindicated about their feverish beliefs?

        Furthermore, I post comments on Rand’s fine Web site, generously supplying the network bandwidth for me, Jim, and many others to express our opinions. Wouldn’t you know it, Jim is right yet another time, because I indeed think there is something “fishy” about what happened to Vince Foster.

        No, no, I don’t subscribe to the view that he was murdered and that the crime scene was “framed.” On the other hand, the prevalent view in our age is that what happened to Mr. Foster was the consequence of major mental illness such as clinical depression.

        Yes, but, I am beginning to form the view that most such incidents are driven by loss-of-face, by shame, by loss of honor. Yes, you need to be “nuts” to take your own life even if in the depths of a George Bailey-esque despair: there is a strong impulse to not want to harm yourself, and there must be something wrong in your head to “bypass the safeties” of the self preservation instinct.

        But major mental illness is not enough, there needs to be some initiating event or circumstance. The fictional “A Few Good Men” had been offered as an analogy to the all-too-real Vince Foster tragedy. Colonel “You can’t handle the truth!” Jessup has a second-in-command with a sense of military honor and a conscience about what resulted in the hazing death of a Marine under his command. That this man puts on his Marine dress uniform and takes his own life supplies a major setback to the Tom Cruise character who was pursuing the Jack Nicholson character, but it at the same time motivates Tom Cruise to pursue justice in this case — where there is smoke, there has to be a fire.

        So what is the unitary scandal of the Clinton’s? Here in diverse Madison, Wisconsin, in my dating days when I wrestled with “would this woman I find attractive go out with me?” “Should I summon the courage to ask her out?” “If she turns me down, did I misread something?” In those days, I had encountered every last permutation and combination of female, accompanying male, straight, gay, open, and closeted. In fact, I regret not asking one of my openly gay male friends for dating advice because 1) he was open enough about who he was and understood who I was well enough to not “understand my question the wrong way”, and 2) he pretty much knew everyone in our age cohort in town and which way they swung.

        I guess in this day and age you are supposed to be “open” or “out” and proud of it to the extent of beating everyone over the head with who you are, but back in the day there were many who were closeted and there are still many who choose to remain closeted, even if this is a widely shared open secret. And the rest of us are expected to “play along” with the social pretenses out of respect for their choice. But being closeted creates a lifestyle of pretense and maintaining social appearances that may become all encompassing.

        ’nuff sed?

        1. “Jim is correct here, yet once again.”

          Unfortunately….neither he nor you are correct.

          We aren’t hearing a whole lot about the hairdresser scandal (keeping the aircraft running on the tarmac until the hairdresser could be brought to the plane).

          We aren’t hearing a whole lot about Travelgate….oops except form Chuck Todd – Liberal.

          Nobody is saying much about the Rose Law firm billing record scandal…..oops except Chuck Todd…lefty.

          Nobody is reporting loudly about the Charlie Trie scandal…oops except Chuck Todd….Democrat operative.

          Or the Johnny Cheung scandal.

          Or the No Controlling Legal Authority Gore/Clinton money-raising scandal.

          So there’s just a few.

          We continue to mention the Bosnia Sniper Scandal, for example, because, well, it shows the woman is a congenital self-aggrandizing liar.

          So, no, you’re both wrong. Some Clinton scandals have passed into history. But those are, of course, replaced as time goes on.

          You might stop to consider these words from Chuck Todd:

          As NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd said shortly after the email scandal broke, “if Clinton fatigue, which is already a disease in the press corps, actually becomes a problem with the voting public, and these polls, maybe this is the first time that it’s becoming a problem, that’s — that is doom for her.”


      1. Penfold? This Penfold”

        “Penfold is a timid, bespectacled hamster, and Danger Mouse’s reluctant assistant. (Penfold is often mistaken for a mole; however, Brian Cosgrove has stated Penfold is supposed to be a hamster).[21] Penfold stands just over half the height of Danger Mouse, and always wears thick round glasses and a crumpled blue suit with a white shirt and a yellow and black striped tie. He is the sidekick of Danger Mouse, whom he calls “Chief”. He is a coward (codenamed “The Jigsaw,” as he goes to pieces when a problem occurs), becoming terrified at any sign of danger. He appears in every episode accompanying Danger Mouse, and he is often captured or getting himself into other dangerous situations before needing to be rescued by Danger Mouse. His main catchphrase is “Crumbs, DM!” ”

        I think you are being way too generous . . .

    1. Ahhhh, Jim. The Flakabteiling in action. And this from someone who will still bring up the Evil George Bush for every malady under the sun.

      1. W’dya mean the Flakabteiling in action? The Flak was pretty effective — we lost a lot of good men . . .

    2. Let us know Jim when you will stop bringing up the fake scandal regarding Rove’s RNC email. Thanks.

      Oh, and let us know your take on the Mary Mapes movie.

  6. A few of the reasons this scandal doesn’t fade into the mist are:

    1) Hillary has been caught in multiple lies regarding the issue.

    2) Some Democrat-leaning journalists have had enough…When you’ve lost Ron Fournier….

    But the MOST important reason the scandal doesn’t go away is:

    3) Obama doesn’t want it to go away.

    50 more State Department employees have been assigned to go through the email.

    1. I thought the most telling part of the e-mail revelations is e-mailing an aide to ask another aide to go fetch an iced tea.

      I mean, who is so helpless to need to send an e-mail to get a cold drink?

    2. I think it is not going away because of all the government employees who fully understand what would happen to them if they carelessly handled classified data this way.

    3. 3) Obama doesn’t want it to go away.

      It’d be interesting to know why. Punishment or looking for some sort of payout?

  7. “Penfold.” Great.

    Personally I find the Kathleen Willey’s cat incident more suspicious than the death of Vince Foster, but only a Penfold-level idiot would have no suspicion of either, or give slime like the Clintons the benfit of the doubt on anything.

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