5 thoughts on “Homophobic Men”

  1. Some people might call me homophobic. As a matter of fact, I dislike homosexual men not because of what they do in the bedroom – but because all the homosexual men I’ve ever known even slightly are irresponsible, narcissistic, self-centred a-holes.

    Judging by what I see reported happening on the streets of SF (and elsewhere) this is far from uncommon.

  2. I am skeptical of studies like these whose true purpose always seems to be politics. In this case, the study will be used as an excuse to insult the sexuality of people who disagree with Democrats.

    1. Rather transparent, really. What’s the worst thing you can say to someone who intensely dislikes or fears homosexuals? Well, of course, that he/she is a closet homosexual his/her-self.

      It’s like calling Israelis Nazis. Straight out of Sun Tzu – if your enemy is angry, irritate him, and watch him defeat himself.

  3. What does “homophobia” even mean? It’s like “racism,” a meaningless, made-up word that leftists gleefully use to silence those who disagree with them.

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