8 thoughts on “You Get Two Questions”

  1. Nope. She is sitting alone at a bar — that means any number of questions, comments, etc.

    In a public place then maybe two questions is a handy rule of thumb.

  2. When I moved to the rural South in the early 1980s–after coming from New York City where we grow up learning to mind our own business (“What the @#$% are you lookin’ at, mac?”)–I was disconcerted by the “Twenty Questions” from the locals. A Southern woman who had grown up in that kind of environment told me that what seemed on the surface being “neighborly” and “friendly” was actually so they could see if I was “the right kind” of people, and most importantly what church I went to. When I moved to Atlanta a few years later, I encountered another form of “Twenty Questions”–this time to determine my place on the economic ladder, and if it were high enough for them to spend time talking to me. Not sure which version of “Twenty Questions” I disliked more.

  3. It’s good advice, and it’s good to have some kind of rule-of-thumb (especially for New Yorkers, which is as far as I’m going to apply this), but I do object to her confusion of “rude” and “honest”. Rude is “Do I look like I’m into you, nerd?” Honest is, “Thank you, I’m trying to think by myself just now” or whatever. Being too weak to confront or disagree is not the same as polite.

  4. She’s an idiot. The correct answer to question #2 is “Not much, just waiting for my boyfriend”.

    Tells the guy she’s taken and not interested without her having to be a bitch about it. Instead she tried to cold-shoulder him with short, discouraging answers. Some guys aren’t discouraged that easily.

  5. Me, I’d just ask “Who played the Cisco Kid?” and “What is Krypton?” Then I’d walk away in disgust.

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