The Riddle Of Obama

Thoughts from Neo-neocon:

Obama is here to punish America for its sins, and he’s been very successful at that. That the left and many liberals continue to love him, continue to support him, is a puzzlement to many people. But why wouldn’t those who have been successfully taught that America is a great evil in the world—birthed in evil, steeped in evil, and empowered by evil; especially racial evil but also countless other evils big and small—applaud his efforts?


Plus, thoughts from a few days ago about facing the truth about the president.

5 thoughts on “The Riddle Of Obama”

  1. I had quoted a letter to the editor to a British newspaper written right after the Munich agreement with Hitler, in which the author of the letter, WWI war hero F. L. Lucas, opined on something that Lucas thought was crystal clear and not difficult to understand at all—the intentions of Adolf Hitler at the time.

    IMO, Obama perfectly understand the intentions of Russia, Iran, ISIS, and others and isn’t bothered in the least.

    1. I tend to agree. The question is really why does it not bother him? Is it apathy or complicit approval?

  2. OK, who, then is the audience for the scolding delivered by the President of the United States before the U.N. to the Russian President?

    Is is the target Vladimir “ooh, I am so scared of the U.S. President” Putin? Is this “signalling” to the liberals, progressives, and correct-thinkers here at home, and are the people being “signaled” that naive about this having any affect on Russia or Mr. Assad? Is the audience Senator McCain? Neo-conservatives, that Mr. Obama is acting “tough”?

    My theory is that Mr. Obama knows only one mode of giving a speech, and he gives that speech without respect to whether it is persuasive.

    For a man the speaks of having read The Godfather and derived lessons from it, he is more like Sonny with his bluster giving away his intentions, strengths and weakinesses to adversaries rather than ice-cold Michael, who knew when silence is more terrifying than threats.

      1. It’s kind of like the “evil, competent Reagan” sketch on SNL.

        Liberals made fun of Reagan as being bumbling, so a cold, calculating “Reagan behind the scenes” was poking the mildest of fun at a liberal shibboleth.

        Liberals tout the President’s competence whereas Conservatives take it a step further and attribute an evil competence. Maybe what some argue are puzzle pieces in a Grand Plan are just evidence of, as, you say, “don’t call my bluff”? Ace of Spades has something similar on this subject, so what I am saying is not original.

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