In Seattle

I had a long trip to get here, starting at 2:30 AM Central (two-hour bus ride from Columbia MO to St. Louis, two-hour plane ride to Charlotte, five-hour plane ride to Seattle), but I’m at the Museum of Flight, where I’ll be giving a talk and book signing tomorrow, for any Seattlites who want to show up. It’s $20 admission to the Spacefest, but it’s an opportunity for a signed book if you don’t have one.

I’ve never been here this time of year. I was surprised at the fall colors.

8 thoughts on “In Seattle”

  1. Good thing you were headed east. Just a couple of miles west of Columbia, there is a low spot on I-70 where it crosses the river. At night, you can get sudden thick fog there. You can barely see in front of you and you dare not stop.

  2. I’ve heard they serve specialty coffees in special shops there. Even though you don’t like coffee, perhaps you should check one out. 🙂

    They’re also said to put really tasty treasures in dumpsters for young people to find. It’s some kind of game or something.

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