11 thoughts on “Only Eight Justices”

  1. People are worried about the Supreme Court.

    I am worried about the firing of Professor Melissa Click — 5’1″ of pure Left Wing intensity — who is going to be our champion of academic totalitarianism with her gone? How are we going to heap ridicule on the universities without Dr. Click around? Who is going to ask for “some muscle” when one of us dare show themselves at a campus protest rally?

    1. Click bait? Yeah, yeah, “hot for teacher”, but all “the guys at Mizzou” must have some strange fantasies.

      As do I. I was eager to decorate my university office and wear shirts with Melissa Click-themed Socialist Realism — you know, like the images of the late Che Guevara quoted as saying something like murdering suspect collaborationists and snitches from among his revolutionist cadres is “an act of love.”

      But alas, Comrade Click encountered her “Bolivian Army” and her fate was sealed by the Mizzou Governing Board.

  2. Amazing how we’re told the universe will fall apart if we don’t vote on Obama’s pick. Boo freakin’ hoo… as Malkin might say.

    1. Yeah, having eight justices is no big deal. It’s a much bigger deal that every issue between Democrats and Republicans has gradually drifted into open warfare. This one is a good example: Biden did this, they did that to Bork, so we will do much more. Their complaints are hypocrisy, which of course they are. But we are continuing a process of escalation from something that used to look much more like “the president picks his appointments and the Senate generally just signs off on them”.
      We have Balkanized into two groups that hate and mistrust each other. You can’t run a country that way.

      1. But what is the solution? Just decide to do everything other people want regardless of what it is?

        The problem is not just us vs them thinking but rather actual policy differences. There is a real danger the first and second amendments could disappear because some people on SCOTUS don’t recognize the constitution being valid for anything that doesn’t support what is popular in their party.

        In order to reduce hostility, ideologies have to change. And they have been changing but in different directions. Right now, the Democrats are in the midst of a socialist revolution. The idea the rest of us should just go along with it to signal our civility is a bad idea.

        If everyone was going to jump off a bridge…

      2. The Democrats aren’t going to stop their behavior. They’ve been getting away with it for 30 years. For the Republicans to not “punch back twice as hard” (to borrow a phrase) in the hopes that the Democrats will change their behavior is magical thinking. When the Republicans regained control of the Senate following the 2014 election, they should’ve treated the Democrats just as badly as they were treated. The fact that they didn’t just shows their weakness. The only hope to get the Democrats to improve their behavior is to apply negative reinforcement when they misbehave. Apply the carrot and don’t spare the stick when necessary.

      1. You can’t run a country that way.

        “Have no fear… underdog is here.”

        We are supposed to fight with each other. That’s part of the magic that makes us great. It shakes us out of local to general improvement. Perhaps fistfights on the senate floor would be too far… perhaps.

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