6 thoughts on “The Climate Hustle”

  1. Not the best of trailers, but if Media Matters doesn’t like it; then it is probably worth seeing.

  2. All documentaries are biased works of advocacy, especially on climate. No one in the media ever fact checks them.

    Leftist documentaries are really well made from a craft point of view. Non-leftists are starting to enter the game but the quality of production isn’t on par with the industry yet. This has a big impact on how well the message is received by the audience.

    The movie industry is undergoing a change just like the publishing industry. It is being democratized by ubiquitous access to high quality cameras and editing software. Other skills will become more professional as more people develop them through repetition and study.

    Leftists are right to be fearful. Their dominance over documentary audiences is being challenged. How will the left respond? Regulation, social shaming, industry pressure, and choking off distribution channels perhaps.

  3. Mostly a virtue display to show they’re members of the one true faith. The only variation is in the degree of hypocrisy which can run from 0% (for the truly lost) to 100% (for the truly venal).

    1. “For what does it profit to say that one believes in man-made Climate Change and then consume an enormous amount of electricity?

      Tell me of your position on Climate Change without doing anything about your electric bill, and I will show you my position on Climate Change — by my electric bill.”

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