13 thoughts on “This Morning’s Landing Attempt”

  1. The launch was a success, the landing was a failure. SpaceX rarely makes the same mistake twice. They’ll get better soon.

  2. Sounds like they got good data and know pretty much what went wrong so they should be able to correct. Even if they lose 1 booster out of 5 that is still 5 times better than any other company or government.

  3. Six months ago they hadn’t made a single successful landing, and now we’re talking about their “streak” coming to an end. Heh.

    It’s like launching rockets in the early days. At first there were many failures with an occasional success mixed in. Gradually the ratio improved to the point where launch failures are pretty rare today. Rocket landings will probably show the same pattern over time.

  4. Looks like a hard landing, but it also looks like it hit the target and vertical. If fuel margin was tight, they may have already known the problem before launch. If it was something else, they should have some pieces to examine.

    They won’t get cocky, and as Larry states, they’ll get better.

  5. When they get their third barge, I propose that SpaceX name it “We Learn By Doing”. It’s attributed to Aristotle, and best remembered as a line in Star Trek II. (The REAL one, not the JJ Abrams one.)

    BTW, according to a tweet from Elon, one of the three landing thrusters failed. They’re working to make it easier to land on two thrusters.

    (On another note, the spell checker just flagged “Thruster”. Seriously, spellcheck?)

      1. I enjoyed them. As movies, they are entertaining. As a part of the Star Trek universe, you may or may not like them depending on how big a Star Trek nerd you are.

        This Popular Mechanics writer ranked the 12 movies and the new ones rank toward the top and the bottom. But if a younger person had never seen Wrath of Khan, they probably wouldn’t rank Into Darkness so harshly.

      2. To be fair, the first 43 minutes of Abrams’ “Star Trek” is very good. I daresay it’s the best of any of the movies, even better than the mighty “Khan”.

        And then Sulu left the parking brake on. And it all went downhill from there. It rapidly degenerated, stringing together one mindless action scene after another with enough lens flare and shaky-cam to give its more sensitive audience epilepsy or motion sickness. Or both. And then Spock Prime casually hands over a transporter technology that makes all starships obsolete but nobody seems to notice. Bah! I didn’t bother with the previous sequel, and I don’t intend to see the newest one.

      3. The first movie was great and the second was lame. Kind of like the opposite of the original movies.

    1. I couldn’t tell if it was parody or just what Democrats typically say about Trump.

      An absolutely fast way to clear our nation of rapists and judges.

      No one ever asks why Obama doesn’t deport actual rapists and murderers like he is supposed to.

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