The Free State Of Jones

Patricia and I went to see the movie yesterday. I agree with the critics that it was too long, and tried to pack too much history in a single movie (though it could have been tightened up just with some editing). Here’s a typical review.

For those unfamiliar with Reconstruction, it was nice to see that they didn’t try to whitewash the Democrats. But this is a point that I haven’t seen anyone else make:

I’d also note that, sad as it was that they received no help, Sherman was right; southeast Mississippi was not strategic at that point, after the fall of Vicksburg, and he couldn’t spare the resources for it.

7 thoughts on “The Free State Of Jones”

  1. Which democrats? Conservative southern democrats? Liberal Northeast democrats? Progressive midwestern democrats? Exactly how broad is your brush? I am a democrat and have never given a second thought, much less a first thought about disarming blacks?

    1. I am a democrat and have never given a second thought, much less a first thought about disarming blacks?

      Today, Democrats pick different targets to persecute. That the race is different, in some cases, doesn’t make the tactics better.

      Every time a kid gets shot in Chicago due to organized crime, Democrats rush out to blame law abiding people who are not Democrats rather than deal with the crime in Democrat run cities carried out by Democrat voters.

      1. Which democrats? Conservative southern democrats?

        Ugh, always with the no true Scotsman fallacy. There were not two different Democrat parties. There was one and Democrats in the South retained control until the late 80’s and 90’s.

        Also, the use of the word conservative here to conflate Democrats of the past with current day conservatives relies on misusing definitions. The modern Conservative political ideology has nothing to do with the Democrat party of the past.

        What is up with Democrats always trying to scapegoat what they call their enemies with the sins of the Democrat party?

      2. Also, since as always, the vast number of people targeted by gun violence are black (and these days, most of the perps are black), continuing to want to disarm law-abiding blacks is as pernicious as ever.

  2. I am eager to see the movie. My family moved to Jones County seven years ago, I had heard about the Free State of Jones way back from high school history, and it has been practically impossible to find authoritative background on any of this. Not that Hollywood would necessarily produce a movie that stays true to history, but I am hopeful that the movie will draw out folks with family histories who can share what they know.

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