The Left

…is angry at democracy.


This is all to distract from the fact that the EU is a failure.

[Update a few minutes later]

If the EU ends, Merkel will have herself to blame.

[Update a few more minutes later]

“Vote properly, you virulent racist!”

Call me crazy, but I’ve never found being called a racist or a xenophobe or a homophobe or an Islamaphobe or an anythingphobe a very compelling argument.

6 thoughts on “The Left”

  1. If the EU is willing to break the rules to keep the UK within the EU, I don’t see why they can’t break the rules to allow Scotland to join if it leaves the UK.

    After all, the will of the people is irrelevant when it comes to maintaining an anti-democratic super state.

    1. If the EU is willing to break the rules to keep the UK within the EU, I don’t see why they can’t break the rules to allow Scotland to join if it leaves the UK.

      What rules? I believe the EU noise that was made during the Scottish independence referendum was just to scare Scottish voters (who are pro-EU by about 6 to 4) into remaining with the UK. If they had been called on their bluff with a successful pro-independence vote, they would have inducted Scotland in short order. Scotland already meets most of the standards for EU membership. It wouldn’t be that hard.

      IMHO the reason for this ploy was to keep those votes with the UK precisely to hamstring anti-EU votes like Brexit. It was just a bit of successful gerrymandering. Now suddenly we see the EU making noise the other way, that Scotland can take the UK’s place. It’s quite transparent fearmongering.

  2. Watched Charlie Rose last night. He had 3 guests (all British) talking abour Brexit and its aftermath. 2 of the guests were in the “the people are stupid” camp, while the 3rd was more of a “ok, maybe they aren’t all ignorant racists” camp. It was a pretty contentious interview as the 2 “the people are stupid” types would not let the idea that functioning adults living in a western society could make an informed choice they disagree with, stand. Now this guy wasn’t saying the exit was a good idea, he just thought that when 17.5 million people vote for something, they should be taken seriously. You wouldn’t think that would be a controversial idea.

    What also struck me as interesting was the total lack of self awareness they seemed to have. It never occurred to them that treating their fellow citizens with such contempt might have hurt the case they were trying to make. You keep telling people how dumb you think they are and pretty soon they begin to think you might not be on their side.

  3. As I’m sure you’re aware, being labeled a * phobe isn’t meant to be an argument, it’s a threat meant to at the least delegitimize your arguments and at best to punish you by job loss or social ostracization.

  4. With the uniform shrieking about “buyer’s remorse” the next morning, it almost seemed like the JournoList was still alive… Just sayin’

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