5 thoughts on “Pasta”

  1. This is just anecdotal, of course; but I pay a lot of attention that involve my own life. Without any other major changes in my diet, I recently gave up pasta. and not to say that correlation means causation, but I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on my slimmer waistline, plus my pants fit better.

  2. The article that Rand links to is a critique of the study. Too much pasta, as Food Network star and all around Italian babe Giada De Laurentiis at the end of the piece, will still make you fat.

    1. And yet Sophia Loren reputedly once claimed that everything you saw when you looked at her was due to pasta. So, health news review, or your own lying eyes?

  3. On a side note, Univ. of Copenhagen release on type 2 diabetes.

    The researchers observed that people who had a decreased capacity of insulin action, and therefore were insulin resistant, had elevated blood levels of a subgroup of amino acids called branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Importantly, the rise of BCAAs levels in blood was related to specific changes in the gut microbiota composition and function.

    The main drivers behind the gut bacterial biosynthesis of BCAAs turned out to be the two bacteria Prevotella copri and Bacteroides vulgatus. To test mechanistically if gut bacteria were a true cause of insulin resistance, the researchers fed mice with the Prevotella copri bacteria for 3 weeks. Compared with sham fed mice the Prevotella copi fed mice developed increased blood levels of BCAAs, insulin resistance and intolerance to glucose.

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