Faithfully Executing The Office

The administration has an on-line guide to how to avoid deportation.

Part of defending the Constitution is upholding the law that flows from it, as ruled by the courts (and the courts of ruled against the administration’s lawlessness on this issue). This is exactly the opposite, and should be an impeachable offense against Lynch, if not Obama himself, but the Congress continues to lack feck.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The ATF is illegally hoarding gun owners personal information.

Tar. Feathers.

2 thoughts on “Faithfully Executing The Office”

  1. Faithful is just a word Democrats use like wiped, with a cloth. Bill’s not faithful to Hill. Obama’s as faithful as your healthcare plan pre Obamacare and then post Obamacare. Not following the Constitution is simply prosecutorial discretion in their mind.

  2. As Judge Andrew Napolitano has stated, there’s nothing in the Constitution that allows the Federal government to regulate immigration. The Federal government has power over naturalization but regulating immigration is an “unenumerated power” which is left to the several states.

    Once again, the mere fact that you consider a law to be does not automatically make it Constitutional.

    And you wonder how Trump came about

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