Hillary’s America

I haven’t seen the movie, and I’m glad that it exposes young people who’ve been taught a false history (or little history at all) of the Clinton crime syndicate, and the vile racist nature of the Democrat Party, going back to its founding and continuing through today. But the Republicans have their own issues, and the notion that it’s unpatriotic to not be one is nonsense.

4 thoughts on “Hillary’s America”

  1. IMHO, the Republicans are barking up the wrong tree when they attack Hilary’s claims of being qualified.

    The fact of the matter is, she is eminently qualified – for a federal prisoner ID number.

  2. Even so, refusing to join that party does not make you less American, and it is disturbing to see D’Souza seem to say so.

    Enh, I don’t think he is really saying that.

    But that doesn’t mean Democrats (or independents, Libertarians, or members of other parties) are somehow un-American.

    Of course not. The topic of parties other than the Democrats didn’t come up. But Democrats have shown that it is legal in the USA to hate the USA. Being un-American is a very American thing when taking things to the absurd extremes that Democrats do.

    It was his best movie yet. The industry reviewers definitely needed to see it because they are the ones who are blind to their party’s history. Seriously, go read some of those reviews.

  3. …that doesn’t mean Democrats are somehow un-American….

    Yes, it does. That’s the point. This of course does not mean if you’re not a democrat you are American or even that all democrats are un-American.

    What it means is that the behavior of a large and growing percentage of democrats throughout our government have become the enemy of American values (truth, justice, fair play, rule of law, basically anything now considered a micro aggression.)

    The government has been weaponized at all levels (national to local) against citizens. This is foundationally un-American. It’s not just democrats… just predominantly democrats.

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