18 thoughts on “Bravery At My Alma Mater”

  1. Good on him but I am sure that left wing professors will deem that form of address to be hateful and invalid…..pan all kinds of (insert here)phobic They do not like it when someone one ups them.

    He may be lucky if he is not suspended.

    1. Gaelic? Hah!

      If King Leonidas hadn’t taunted the Persians with “Molon Labe” at the hot-springs gate and sacrificed the 300 warriors, of whom we were asked to “go tell the Spartans” about, you would have to render that in Farsi.

  2. Reminds me of the guy with the video asking around campus if they thought it alright if he self identifies as a 6’5″ Chinese woman.

    I’d go with “Exalted Poobah.”

      1. How about simply “Lord” as in the appellation “Lord Garth” insisted upon by the former starship captain held in a Federation lockdown for mentally ill criminals (“Whom the Gods Destroy”)?

  3. I’ve claimed “Prophet” a couple of times.

    Failing to use it is both sexist -and- extremely disparaging hate speech in my fempto-religion.

  4. I can already say how it’s going down. Some bright bulb who came up with this idea is now going to repeatedly modify the rules, get hammered by many students exploiting all sorts of loopholes, and finally give up in disgust over the ingrates. Who knows, maybe they’ll learn something from the episode, but odds are good that if they were this clueless to begin with, that they’ll remain this clueless.

    My personal pronoun is going to be a cryptographic hash in base hex of the current time on the planet of Pern with the family names of the current city councilors of the Foundation.

  5. That’s great but its far too easy to pronounce and avoid lucrative lawsuits. /Tq7:gBv is a much better pronoun.

    It is impossible to pronounce, so you can always sue someone for not respecting your rights. Its unique, so you don’t need to worry about anyone being prepared to use it when talking to you for the first time, meaning more lawsuits. Last, it takes a lot of computing time to generate it, so it can also double as your password.

  6. Just wait until someone picks “Grand Dragon” as their personal pronoun. Then the fun really begins.

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