Conservative Reasons To Vote For Trump

Five of them. I agree, even though I think he’d be terrible. Especially on the last one.

[Sunday-morning update]

Since the topic has come up in comments, it’s worth noting that while Trump talks dirty, Juanita Broaddrick still relives her brutal rape by Bill Clinton. And expect the Democrats (of which she, like Kathleen Willey, used to be one) to continue to attack her and imply that she is a liar, or a “narcissistic loony tune,” as they do with all of his victims.

[Update a few minutes later]

Hillary is (faux) shocked, shocked at Trump’s crude language. The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

[Late-afternoon update]

Juanita Broaddrick wants to be believed.

And the Left and the Clinton mafia want to victimize her again.

[Monday-morning update]

A reminder of what Hillary did to Kathleen Willey. It’s who she is. It’s what she does.

183 thoughts on “Conservative Reasons To Vote For Trump”

  1. I still think the best reason (other than preserving the Second Amendment) is to wipe the smug look off the Dowager Empress’ face.

  2. the vast majority of Republicans have already fallen in line with Donald Trump, and it would take an earth-shattering error for the Republican nominee to alienate them, much less convince them to impeach him.

    In particular, Trump would have to completely alienate the voters that those Republicans rely on for re-election. But, as Avik Roy has noted, “the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism,” and Trump is the champion of white nationalists. He could persuasively frame any impeachment attempt as an effort by the cosmopolitan Washington establishment to stab “real” Americans in the back.

    1. Bullshit.

      Just because Democrats are the party that thinks of people as races instead of individuals and favors a system of racial hierarchy that advocates for each race being supremacist against other races, doesn’t mean the Republicans are the party of supremacism for the races that Democrats hate.

      The only party that campaigns explicitly on racial and ethnic solidarity and supremacism are the Democrats. We have seen their handywork in far too many race riots over the last 8 years. We have seen far too many cops assassinated because of Democrat ideology. And we have seen far too many American Muslims radicalized to violence by progressive.

      Progressivism is the gateway drug to Islamic terrorism and race riots.

      1. Then what’s up with Roy and Republicans like him? Do you think they’re imagining the white nationalism that Trump has mobilized?

        Trump has shown that you can violate GOP orthodoxy on anything — Iraq, entitlements, health care, trade, NATO, taxes, infrastructure — and still win over the GOP base, by appealing to xenophobia and racial resentment. He’s David Duke/Breitbart/InfoWars/Jeff Sessions/Pat Buchanan’s dream come true.

        1. So now when one says that American jobs are more important than foreigners getting jobs one is xenophobic and racist. Of course, this is not surprising coming from you.

          1. If you think that “American jobs are more important than foreigners getting jobs” is all Trump is saying, you haven’t been paying attention. He’s telling white Americans that non-white Americans and foreigners alike are a dangerous threat: to their jobs, to their personal safety, to their health, and to their white American way of life.

          2. When you say: “He’s saying that foreigners are a threat.” You, of course, do not think that Islamic terrorism is a problem. Most Americans do. And for that he’s a racist?

            Unlike your town, mine just had a mass stabbing by ungrateful refugees. I guess we dumb, racist hicks are supposed to ignore that.

            Put your elitist philosophy where your money is. Take in a Syrian refugee.

          3. “He’s telling white Americans that non-white Americans ”

            Nope. As was noted by Wodun, the only people dividing Americans by the color of their skin are progressives, exactly like you, Jim. That’s why the head of the KKK is backing Hillary. Then again, the KKK has always been one with the Democrat Party.

          4. Yes .. getting americans jobs is so important he ships in foreigners every chance he gets and foreign goods and uses foreign manufactures.. it is total BS that trump is worried about america over himself.

          5. He isn’t saying anything about foreigners or non-white Americans like you are alleging.

            Total bullshit.

            The only party creating racial resentment and using it explicitly for politics are the SJW BLM LA Raza Democrats. Its been going on for over 100 years. Scapegoating the innocent and blaming them for all of societies problems is a big part of it.

            This cycle, I’ve seen a lot of commercials telling people to vote out of racial affiliation and they have all been from Hillary.

          6. “If you think that “American jobs are more important than foreigners getting jobs” is all Trump is saying, you haven’t been paying attention. ”

            If you think it’s anything more than that, you’re making stuff up.

        2. Trump has shown that the GOP base never wanted the ‘GOP orthodoxy’. He’s successful precisely because he’s ‘violating’ that orthodoxy, not in spite of it.

          As for ‘white nationalism’, when one party defines itself as the-party-of-everyone-but-white-Americans, you can hardly be surprised that the other party, by definition, becomes the party of white Americans. The Republicans didn’t want to become an identity politics party, you Democrats forced it on them.

          In a multicultural nation, all politics soon becomes identity politics. You can’t have polite arguments about ideology if much of the population wants to kill you because your skin is the wrong colour.

          And, Jim, surely you should be happy about this? America is charging head-first into the very race war the left have been trying to provoke since the 60s. Surely you’re not having cold feet now?

          1. In a multicultural nation, all politics soon becomes identity politics.

            It’s worth remembering that the United States has always been a multicultural nation.

          2. It’s also worth remembering that identity politics has always found a home in the Democrat Party, to include both the KKK and New Black Panthers. It was a Republican President that ended slavery, and Republicans that ended the Democrat Jim Crow laws.

          3. No, the United States has always had a culture of the rule of English common law,

            The “culture of the rule of English common law” has been here, but it hasn’t been the only one. When the U.S. was founded it included millions of inhabitants who lived outside that “culture”. Today we all live under the same common law (except maybe in Louisiana, and on reservations), but nonetheless belong to a variety of cultures.

            We’ve always been a multicultural nation. If being a multicultural nation is a problem, it’s a problem we’ve had all along.

          4. Being a multi-cultural nation when one of those cultures wants to impose itself on ours, as those who support sharia do, is a problem.

            No kidding! You’d think that prospect might give you some empathy for the numerous American cultures that have been violently subjugated in the course of our history: all the native cultures, the diverse cultures of enslaved Africans, Spanish and French colonial cultures, homegrown religious minorities like the LDS, immigrant cultures and their religions from all over the globe, etc. Or is your preferred culture the only one that deserves to exist?

          5. Watch out Rand, soon Jim will be telling us not to judge the Nazi’s, just like the progressives did in the 30’s.

          6. Is it your claim that no culture can be judged to be superior to any other, by any criteria?

            Of course not. Members of plenty of cultures consider their cultures to be superior, and therefore justified in oppressing or exterminating cultures they judge as inferior. That’s certainly happened a lot in our history. Not wanting to be on the receiving end of such treatment is not a new thing.

          7. There is a reason that we are the wealthiest, most successful nation in the history of mankind, in which even the poor live better than medieval kings.

            No doubt. And yet there are nations where the poor live even better than they do here, and we would hardly appreciate it if they took their perceived superiority as license to subjugate or eradicate our culture.

          8. Jim doesn’t realize that Democrats are pushing for a tyrannical monoculture based on ever shifting norms of cultural Marxism.

            Subcultures are only allowed freedom if they are subordinate to the Democrat party. Any subculture at odds with Democrat party leadership will be persecuted to the point of extinction.

            Being part of the party means any action is permitted, which is why Obama can party with people at the Whitehouse who sing about rape, murder, crime, and killing cops. It means pedophiles and people with zipper problems or abuse women always have a safe place as long as they support the Democrats.

            Everyone outside of the party is held to an impossible standard to meet and are treated as subhumans.

        3. Yes, they’re imagining it. They’re also echoing the same tired, old MSM memes about conservatives, which include the same accusations of racism and jingoism.

      1. There was an interesting article in an Israeli paper a few weeks ago about the foolishness of American Jews voting for a party as glaringly anti-semitic as… the Democrats.

        Israelis have to deal with reality, or they’d be wiped out by their hostile neighbours. They’re not going to pretend the Democrats are their friends when, like most of the Western left, they become more anti-semitic every day. But Americans can still pretend that up is down and live to see the next morning.

        Just not for much longer.

    2. “But, as Avik Roy has noted, “the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism,”

      Avik Roy is a jerk and idiot as is anyone who listens to him

      In case you haven’t yet learned – just because some think tank one fool says something doesn’t make it true.

      The other fool is the one who listens to the think tank fool.

      It would be better if you state what YOU think…any why.

      1. Jim just wants to insert an anti-Trump person into the conversation to raise hackles. He doesn’t care who it is. He is trying to be the thread’s gadfly.

      2. I, too, think that Trump has shown the GOP to be based on white nationalism. But I think that view has more weight coming from a Republican like Roy, or Bret Stephens:

        Liberals may have been fond of claiming that Republicans were all closet bigots and that tax cuts were a form of racial prejudice, but the accusation rang hollow because the evidence for it was so tendentious.

        Not anymore. The candidacy of Donald Trump is the open sewer of American conservatism.

        Or Max Boot:

        I’m a lifelong Republican but Trump surge proves that every bad thing Democrats have ever said about GOP is basically true.

        1. And Hillary proves everything Republicans have said about Democrats. She panders to the democrat machine; she likes to keep minorities in their place so they are dependent on democrat largess; she’s a warmonger with her provocations on Russia and also incompetent when it comes to handling any foreign policy; she promises to add more dollars to the US debt and give away billions to corporations, proving that democrats are the corporatist fascists that they deny being.

        2. I, too, think that Trump has shown the GOP to be based on white nationalism.

          Yeah, but you’re an idiot that lies every chance you get.

        3. “I, too, think that Trump has shown the GOP to be based on white nationalism. ”

          Alright. Explain to us why. Show us why you think that.

          Appealing to other statements doesn’t count.

          Defend your position.

          1. Just what we’ve come to expect from Jim – every other time he’s asked to defend a position with his own facts and logic we got …….


            All Jim can do is act as a megaphone for others, and take his orders like a good little drone.

          2. Sorry, Gregg, I had other things to do yesterday.

            I think there are two reasons to believe that Trump has shown the GOP to be based on white nationalism:

            1) The Trump campaign is based on white nationalism. Trump has made explicit appeals for white nationalist support, and avoided alienating that support. He and Donald Jr. frequently re-tweet white nationalists, and their racist propaganda (e.g. that most white murder victims are killed by blacks, or that Clinton is corrupted by Jewish money). He was slow to distance himself from David Duke, even pretending to be unfamiliar with him. He hired the CEO of Breitbart, a white nationalist/alt-right website, to run his campaign.

            And White nationalists love Trump. As David Duke puts it, “The fact that Donald Trump’s doing so well, it proves that I’m winning. I am winning.” The editor of Daily Stormer says “Trump had me at ‘build a wall.’ Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign.”

            2) The GOP has fallen in line with the Trump campaign. He defeated 16 other primary candidates. He’s supported by the RNC, the Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority leader, and virtually every GOP elected official. Even the Republicans running away from him this weekend are doing so because of his bragging about sexual assault, not because of his white nationalism. The overwhelming majority of GOP voters support Trump and have no problem with his white nationalist views.

            Trump is the nominee, and has the enduring support of the GOP, because his white nationalism reflects the party’s.

          3. his white nationalism reflects the party’s.

            Wrote a guy that has defended a rapist and defends a woman who got another rapist off on a technicality and found it funny.

  3. My daydream is that Trump decides he doesn’t want to be President after all and the RNC lets Pence take over. That and Hillary falling down the steps getting off an airliner in front of a national TV audience.

  4. Is it just me, or does Gary Johnson have a really, really bad haircut?

    His head looks like big clumps of his hair were chopped off by someone who at enrolled in cosmetology school by correspondence. And didn’t complete their degree program.

    This is a guy who summited Mt. Everest, competed in Iron Man events, and lost an inch and a half of height from crunching his spine in a hang gliding crash. He must have spent multiple orders of magnitude on specialized clothing and gear for those activities than what he spends at the hair stylist.

    Does he cut his own hair? I knew one guy who said he cut his own hair, and he did a much better job than that.

  5. Jim can’t say republicans are nationalists because people might agree with him, so he says white nationalists.

    Is there any evidence other than some nationalists are white? No.

    Are any of those nationalists non white? Yes and we could list them all day long.

    So the topic Jim accidentally brings up is…

    Nationalism: good or bad. I say that’s worth discussing?

    Starting with, why do nations exist? What is there purpose? I believe the ONLY legitimate purpose is to defend its citizens from assimilation by other nations.

    Item 1 & 2 from the article are obvious, but item 3 is key to understanding Trump and why he will turn out to be a better president than the doubters presume.

    1. “Item 1 & 2 from the article are obvious, but item 3 is key to understanding Trump and why he will turn out to be a better president than the doubters presume.”

      I agree about Trump. Here is another item not mentioned; the main stream media’s clear bias/animosity against Trump. Since they hate his guts they won’t give him the kind of easy treatment Hillary would get. They would actually do their jobs of being a watchdog of the corridors of power.

    2. A national identity is what binds people from every country on Earth together and gets them to give up their old grudges and allegiances and view each other as brothers and sisters.

      Democrats don’t want us to have an identity of being Americans. This is why they say the melting pot is racist. This is why they are currently rampaging through the arts and colleges with neo segregation and creating concepts like cultural appropriation.

      Jim need only look at the base of his own party, where all money, activism, and leaders come from, to see real in your face systematic racism and bigotry.

      But Trump said he wanted to stop illegal immigration while making it easier to come here legally so he is racist.

  6. The sixth reason to vote for Trump id there another election in four years.
    If Trump doesn’t win, he probably try again in 4 years. If Trump become President he can’t run as outsider and will have record. If his record is poor, he will be challenged- and he probably lose.

    There is a similar argument for Clinton- no one going to like her more because she is the president and she could cause dem revolt after 4 years.
    Or chances favor that next president [regardless of who, will have 4 year term rather than get 8 years], the problem with electing Clinton is it will be first criminal we have elected President. And that’s not a good habit to get into.

    1. If Hillary assumes the powers of President I don’t expect an election of consequence in 4 years, unless we make it by force. Between a stacked Court and the persecution that enables in a weaponized executive branch, anyone who presents a credible threat would be prevented from running.

      1. “If Hillary assumes the powers of President I don’t expect an election of consequence in 4 years, unless we make it by force.”

        I would expect an election of consequence within 2 years- a continuation of Dem losses- at all levels of government
        And considering Hillary health, Tim Kaine could president within 4 years.
        ” Between a stacked Court and the persecution that enables in a weaponized executive branch, anyone who presents a credible threat would be prevented from running.”
        As soon as this election is over, many will begin running to be elected in 4 years.
        And it seems if Clinton is elected the great recession will continue- and this could also be case if Trump is elected.
        Terrorism will significantly increase- and mostly significantly in Europe. And Iran will demonstrate a nuclear weapon and we will have nuclear arms race in middle east.
        The good news is the global warming/climate change fad will end within 4 years.

        1. In two years the GOP will likely make large gains in the senate, even if they lose control of it in this year’s election. Many more DEM seats become open then.

        2. I’m saying that the corrupted court will against any measure that obstructs Democrat election fraud. They will systematically rule in favor of corrupted executive action to punish challengers to the regime. And in every other way the corrupt Democrat machine will prevent challenges at the ballot box to their absolute power.

          1. President Clinton will import new Democrat voters by the million, and dump as many as possible in Republican areas to ensure Republicans can never win them again.

            If she wins this election, it’s game over for America.

        3. If the Democrats narrowly take the Senate (i.e. with 50 votes plus Kaine as a tie-breaker) I believe there will be an election of consequence next year, to fill Kaine’s Senate seat. If Dem voters continue their poor turnout in off-year elections, they could lose the seat and their Senate majority. That would put the brakes on judicial appointments.

  7. “Mr. Trump, what are you doing to do when you meet the foreign Ambassador’s beautiful wife?”

    “I will grab her by the … ”

    wars have started for a lot less… LOL

    1. Trump has already apologized for remarks made in a PRIVATE conversation.

      …And if you think other politicians haven’t made equally offensive remarks in private, I have a bridge to sell you…

  8. “Mr. Trump, what are you going to do when you meet the foreign Ambassador’s beautiful wife?”

    “I will grab her by the … ”

    wars have started for a lot less… LOL

    oops spelling error

    1. That’s an even better reason to vote for Clinton. She attacked her husband’s actual sexual-assault victims, including making a veiled threat at a woman he controlled by biting her lip as he raped her.

      1. This charge has become quite popular on the right, but it doesn’t make any sense. Why would Bill Clinton tell Hillary that he’d raped Juanita Broaddrick?

          1. No. You are claiming that Hillary Clinton threatened Broaddrick in an effort to keep her quiet about her rape. That theory assumes that Bill Clinton told Hillary Clinton that he’d raped Broaddrick. Why in the world would he do that?

          2. But you can get into the mind of Hillary Clinton?

            If you can’t come up with a believable reason for Bill Clinton to tell Hillary Clinton about the rape, your accusation makes no sense.

          3. Because he wanted her to do what she always does, and help make sure the victim remained silent?

            So now you’re saying that by 1978 Bill Clinton had a pattern of telling Hillary Clinton about his infidelities, because the only way he could be protected from exposure was for his wife of all people to intervene? In this case by uttering the magic words “I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill.”?

            The problem is that you’re starting at your conclusion — that Hillary is a monster — and working backwards looking for support. Assuming for argument’s sake that Broaddrick’s charges are true, Bill Clinton had no good reason to tell Hillary Clinton about what he’d done, and a multitude of reasons to not mention it or lie about it. And it would have been totally out of character for him to confess. Bill Clinton only came clean to his wife about Monica Lewinsky when he was about to testify about it to a grand jury, and he only did that because there was physical evidence. And the affair with Lewinsky wasn’t even criminal, much less a violent felony. If there’s one thing we know about Bill Clinton it’s that he wants everyone to like him, and that he will go to great lengths (e.g. lie under oath) to conceal information that will damage others’ opinion of him. In order to make your case against Hillary Clinton you want me to believe that that selfish, approval-craving man, unlike virtually any other man on the planet, would immediately tell his wife that he’d raped someone. And that he would do that just so she could utter some pleasantries to the victim.

            I understand why you want a reason to portray Hillary Clinton as a monster, but your story is completely unbelievable.

          4. Jim doesn’t know how political partners, both lawyers, think. They always plan together because that’s the best way to game the system. Especially if one is involved in a crime that might get noticed. It wasn’t just Hillary he made aware. It was also some that he used to get his victim to meet with him which she would not have done if she’d known the set up.

          5. We don’t know how Hillary found out about it.

            It’s not just the “how”, you don’t know what she “found out” about it, or even if she found out about it before speaking to Broaddrick. And your accusation — that Clinton spoke those routine pleasantries as a way of threatening Broaddrick — depends entirely on knowing what was in Clinton’s mind when she spoke the words. In the absence of a confession or a mind-reading machine, it’s a reckless, senseless, unprovable and unfalsifiable charge.

            If Bill Clinton attacked Broaddrick, that’s on Bill Clinton. It isn’t on Hillary.

          6. And who is how she treated the other abused women on?

            The case for believing he abused the others isn’t nearly as strong. And in those cases, too, you would have to know a lot about Hillary Clinton’s state of mind — what she knew, or thought she knew, about the women and their allegations — before you could fairly judge her actions. In general, it’s normal and admirable for a woman to defend her husband when she thinks he’s being unfairly accused. And we don’t expect wives to be unbiased judges of their husbands, or vice-versa. If you’re Hillary Clinton, which would you rather believe — that your husband is cheating on you and/or is a sexual predator, or that his deep-pocketed enemies are making up false charges to hurt him politically?

            If she was any other wronged spouse, we’d give her the benefit of the doubt, and sympathy besides. But because she’s a political figure in her own right, her enemies have this desperate need to flip the story upside down and treat her as the offender.

          7. If you’re Hillary Clinton, which would you rather believe — that your husband is cheating on you and/or is a sexual predator, or that his deep-pocketed enemies are making up false charges to hurt him politically?

            Given his long history of both various forms of sexual assault, including rape, and other infidelities, if she is this stupid, she is a delusional woman who should be nowhere near the levers of power. So I’m going to go with callous venality. In which case, she also should be allowed nowhere near the levers of power.

          8. If she was any other wronged spouse, we’d give her the benefit of the doubt, and sympathy besides.

            Really? We’d give this woman the benefit of the doubt? This isn’t a new story, but the media tried to cover it up at the time, just as they’ll try to do this time, but they’ll be less successful, I think.

          9. We’d give this woman the benefit of the doubt?

            What a ridiculous story. We’re supposed to believe Dick Morris and Larry Klayman? There’s absolutely no evidence that Hillary Clinton had anything to do with threatening Kathleen Wiley. And how about this logic:

            If Bill Clinton did not sexually assault all these women, then why would they have settled a case for $850,000

            To make it go away. He settled with no admission of guilt. The case had already been dismissed by the trial judge, and there’s no reason to believe Jones would have prevailed on appeal and subsequent retrial. The settlement does not prove that Clinton assaulted or harassed Jones, much less that he assaulted anyone else. The case had cost him millions in legal fees and the first presidential impeachment since Andrew Johnson; $850k was a modest price to have it over with.

          10. Those poor Clintons. It must be terrible to always have so many people lying about you. Especially dead people.

            We know the Clintons lie. We know they do so under oath (unless you really believe that all those times she said she didn’t recall that she really didn’t recall, and if you do, why would you want to have a president with such terrible memory?). What evidence do you have that Dick Morris or Larry Klayman lie, and why should we not believe them?

          11. The settlement does not prove that Clinton assaulted or harassed Jones, much less that he assaulted anyone else.

            You don’t give Trump that same benefit of the doubt and convict him with much less evidence of much lower quality.

          12. Jim, under the definition of rape being taught by progressives on college campuses today, what Bill did to Monica was rape.

            Under your party’s rules it was rape. Any other person, especially a non-Democrat, would be labeled as a rapist for doing what Bill did.

            Hillary had a war room to direct actions to destroy the “bimbo eruptions” so clearly she knew what was going on. Bill’s predatory behavior has been going on his entire adult life.

        1. Why would Bill Clinton tell Hillary that he’d raped Juanita Broaddrick?

          Of course he wouldn’t. That would be admission of a crime. Hillary Clinton can and did figure out on her own which way her bread is buttered.

          What really doesn’t make any sense is your assumptions about how the Clintons would interact. Perhaps you could give some real world examples of rapist husbands who tell all to their wives?

          My understanding of such things is that to the contrary, the husband hides everything they can from the wife. That probably is the case here as well. That doesn’t mean that Hillary Clinton can’t figure out what’s going on. To the contrary, the vicious, public attacks on Bill Clinton’s various affairs indicates she not only knew, but prioritized her husband’s career over justice.

    2. What this event really tells us is who is allowed to make a joke. Trump can’t wear a clown nose and make jokes as other entertainers do?

      Hillary, Obama, Jon Stewart, or any other Democrat can joke about anything they want. They regularly joke around in the most vulgar terms, like Trump did. Often times the target of their jokes are non-Democrats and the jokes involve violence, rape, and murder.

      Then Democrats act out these violent thoughts, as we have seen from coast to coast during this election.

      Democrats always are given a pass, even when jokes turn to violence. Anthony Weiner is still a celebrated Democrat.

      We are pretty fair deep into the in/out group dehumanization of political opponents when some people are not even allowed to tell a joke.

      1. Trump can’t wear a clown nose and make jokes as other entertainers do?

        The women who claim Trump sexually assaulted them should just relax and take it as a joke? The pageant contestants he violated by “inspecting” their dressing rooms while they were undressed should laugh it off?

        1. You’re right, Jim. With the US economy in tatters, the American people on the verge of civil war, Muslim nuts massacring gays, and the US government trying to start a shooting war with Russia… clearly the most important issue is whether Trump might have seen someone naked.

          The funny part is that you don’t even realize you’re driving more and more people to support the person who acts like the only adult in the room.

          1. If the US economy is “in tatters” right now with 4.8% unemployment and a record high stock market.. what shape was the economy in when the market crashed to 8000 and we were losing 750,000 jobs a month?

          2. It was terrible, but given the slow wage growth, and huge fall in labor-market participation, with no year in which the growth exceeded 2%, the Obama economic record has been disastrous, and people can feel it.

          3. Vladislaw,
            The official unemployment rate reports are a LIE! Take a look at the labor force participation rate.
            The stock markets are in a massive bubble driven by pathologically low interest rates.
            Debt is soaring.

          4. Vladislaw,

            You obviously don’t know anything about the stock market. It is not hinged right now on economic health. It goes up and down based on credit and printing by the Fed.

            Please don’t bring up the stock market. You look silly.

          5. Ya, the people who claim the economy is doing great get stumped when you ask why the Fed hasn’t raised interest rates yet.

          6. the people who claim the economy is doing great get stumped when you ask why the Fed hasn’t raised interest rates yet.

            The Fed’s job is to raise interest rates when necessary to keep inflation from exceeding their 2% target. Inflation is way below 2%, so there’s no need to raise interest rates.

          7. Let me translate Jim’s comment. Their job is to raise rates when the economy is healthy enough to not crash when it happens.

            This is why it hasn’t happened and why any time it is even suggested prior to a Fed meeting, the stock market tanks.

        2. If this is your idea of a political issue, you are lost. You obviously don’t care about our country’s massive debt, about the divide between the rich and poor (that your president made far worse) and about a dismal foreign policy.

          You bring up Trump’s idiocy, I will bring up Hillary’s lying for Bill. Tit for tat.

          By the way, just how do you plan on solving our national debt problem?

        3. The women who claim Trump sexually assaulted them

          Where are these women? The Democrats really are creative with their smears.

  9. You know, I like the last one even better than the rest. O’Neil seems to be saying merely that impeachment means there is a way out. But I’ve thought for some time that our threshold for impeachment was way too high, and a successful impeachment would go a long ways toward lowering it. Hillary is unimpeachable despite her crimes, but Trump is another matter.

  10. Scott Adman:
    “By now you know about the Access Hollywood recording in which Donald Trump said bad things eleven years ago. Many of my readers asked me to weigh in. One of the requests came from anti-Trump GOP elite person Erick Erickson.”….
    Politically, I think Scott is right about this allowing more talk regarding Clintons the rapists.
    And agree this will not have much effect on who wins the elections.
    But I would say anything politicians do sexually is minor compared to vast damage done by their general political corruption. Though their politician corruption is not as interesting to people.
    I also will say I continue to dislike Trump and this one more reason to dislike him, but there isn’t any politicians I have ever liked.
    It’s given that politicians are messed up people- even the outsiders wanting to be politicians.
    But I like politician in same sense I like movie actors [another broad group of psychopaths] Actor can do their jobs well. And politicians can do their jobs well.
    But also actors and politicians have to follow the laws, and following the laws includes the spirit of law. An example of this is that Bill Clinton committed perjury just as OJ Simpson murdered his wife.
    And the cover up by politician is worse the what a politician does which they are covering up. Or Nixon main problem was the cover up- or it was the cover up which made it necessary [proper] that he should have resigned as president- rather than the obvious crime of the break in at Watergate.
    So Trump is a jerk- or that polite way to say it. But so was JFK, but JFK, though he had major screw ups, was pretty good president. Not a great President, but he was pretty good one.
    I had no idea if Trump would be a pretty good president, but pretty certain Hillary will be a awful President. And hard understand why women would vote for her- other than for idiotic reasons- which are mainly, she is a probably a female.

  11. “But also actors and politicians have to follow the laws, and following the laws includes the spirit of law. An example of this is that Bill Clinton committed perjury just as OJ Simpson murdered his wife.”

    Agreed; accept that I think Jason Simpson (Simpson’s son) killed OJ’s ex-wife Nicolle not OJ. O.J. is guilty of a boatload of crimes related to such but not murder.

    ” So Trump is a jerk- or that polite way to say it. But so was JFK, but JFK, though he had major screw ups, was pretty good president. Not a great President, but he was pretty good one.
    I had no idea if Trump would be a pretty good president, but pretty certain Hillary will be a awful President.”

    Yes Trump is an a-whole jerk doesn’t mean he can’t be an effective president. An unlike Hillary the media hates his guts so they will call him on his mistakes.

    “And hard understand why women would vote for her- other than for idiotic reasons- which are mainly, she is a probably a female.”

    Because their making history by electing the 1st woman president; who cares if she is a not particularly competent, corrupt influence pedaling pathological liar, sociopathic enabler of her husbands predatory conduct against women. And who probably has one or more serious health problems she is concealing. We are making history here that’s all that matters.

  12. No decent person can support what Trump has said, but keep in mind his support comes from people that already know he’s that kind of idiot. Yes, Rand, nowhere will you find me disagreeing with you that he’s an idiot. I have always found his vulgarity disagreeable.

    But the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been in my lifetime. The good news is this revelation may humble a man in severe need of being humbled.

    The fact remains that Trump continues to not be wrong if you look past the idiot things he says. Check out Bill Whittles take on the first debate (about six parts.) Especially Whittle’s point that WW2 actually started in 1936.

    Even in this latest gaff he’s right that rich celebrities often get away with murder. Too bad he’s so stupid he thinks that means him.

    American Thinker makes the point the choice is between stupid words and the Clinton’s evil actions.

    Trump has to win. Then there’s a chance after to work on fixing things. If Hillary wins the consolidation of power will be complete. If every congresscritter were a republican in 2 years it would make no difference.

    1. Ken just admit it the Clintons played you, they sent their Trojan horse into the GOP and they are gleeful at how well it worked. As George Will says ““If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, how would his behavior be any different?”.

      Any other GOP candidate would be beating Clinton right now with exceptions of Christie and Dr. Carsons, hell a Pence/ Bill Weld ticket would beat Clinton. Trumps entry sucked the air out of the room to make sure Walker never got any traction and systematically attacked every other leading candidate effectively and ruthless efficiency that he hasn’t shown against Hillary going from “Little Marco”, “Low Energy Bush”, “Lying Ted” to “May I Call you Mrs.Secretary?”.
      So the stakes were so high and you went with the ticking time bomb.

      1. “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, how would his behavior be any different?”

        If Donald Trump was a Democrat mole, he’d be Jeb Bush.

        You don’t throw an election by acting like the kind of leader the Republican base has been looking for since Reagan. Trump may be losing a few globalist Republicans, but he’s even pulling voters away from the Democrats.

        What I wonder is whether Trump paid Clinton to throw the election to him. If Trump was running against Sanders, the election would probably be all over bar the voting.

      2. You haven’t seen the 2nd debate yet, have ya?

        Winning is just part of getting anything done. Shaking things up after you get there is the other part which only Trump will do.

        I was half disappointed in Trumps response to the supreme court question. He really could have hit it well if he pointed out that there are three branches of govt. and two have abdicated their responsibilities to the executive (I already know what you’re going to say, Rand.) He did at least mention the constitution (mentioning Scalia was pandering I’d say.)

        Reagan would have done the honest Abe zinger better!

      3. I wouldn’t say any other GOP candidate. If the GOPe got their way, it would have been Jeb. Jeb wouldn’t be beating Hillary either. Rubio may be, but he would be as disappointing to much of the base as Ryan today, only Ryan wouldn’t have shown his true self with Rubio as a candidate.

        I’m no fan on Trump, but he’s there because the GOP wants to choose their horse rather than letting the voters decide. Trump would have never made it had the GOP, after losing Jeb and Rubio, got behind Cruz rather than last place Kasich. However, NeverCruz existed before NeverTrump, and Carson and Fiorina were never given decent backing from the old guard politicians. Hell, Rubio probably would have won had they gotten behind him from the start and told Jeb and Kasich to pound sand from the get go.

  13. This development is interesting because it wasn’t something that was said in public per se or aired on TV. Someone was mining unedited and unaired footage of Trump. Its a bit like releasing a recording of someone talking in a dressing room prior to a show.

    Who found this and how did the Clinton campaign get it?

    How is this, or releasing Trump’s tax return, any different than what Putin is alleged to have done? Is it not about the tactics but about who carries them out? And if its the latter, would a non-Democrat be allowed to use these tactics too?

    1. I’ll bet they have a bunch of similar things to trickle out for the rest of the month. This is the second. Ms. Universe during the debate was the first. Hillary has to keep Trump on the defensive and Trump has to go on offense.

      This last month is going to be “you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”

      1. Hillary is going to try to make herself the victim, especially if Trump goes after Bill. He has to show that Hillary is not a victim, but the victimizer.

        For the next 30 days he has to plaster the airwaves with Hillary’s voice laughing about getting the rapist of a child to pass a lie detector test. He has to go after, not Bill the rapist, but Hillary the serial abuser of women both individually using govt. as a weapom and her support of regimes that persecute woman. He needs to come right out and call her out for treason, admitting that proving it is different from knowing she and Bill gave missile technology to the Chinese and Uranium to the Russians that they may one day send back to us.

        The gloves have got to come off.

        1. Hillary is not going to let Trump get away with this kind of sexism! Hillary will just not tolerate disrespect to women! If there’s one thing the Clintons stand for it’s . . . Oh, wait. Never mind.

    2. Who found this and how did the Clinton campaign get it?

      Access Hollywood producers found the tape. They went looking after the AP reported that Trump had “repeatedly demeaned women with sexist language” on the set of The Apprentice. Access Hollywood was working on a story about the tape when some anonymous person leaked it to the Post. The Clinton campaign got it when the rest of us did, when the story went up on the Post website.

      How is this, or releasing Trump’s tax return, any different than what Putin is alleged to have done?

      Putin is alleged to have directed hackers to illegally break into U.S. computers in order to leak private documents, for his political and geo-strategic gain. Access Hollywood was in the process of releasing newsworthy footage that they owned, that had been recorded with the subjects’ full knowledge and permission, when someone leaked it to another news outlet. Hopefully you can see a difference.

      Some remaining questions: Trump filmed 14 seasons of The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice for NBC. There are doubtless thousands of hours of unaired audio and video of Donald Trump. Who owns that footage? Have they gone through it to see if any of it is newsworthy?

      1. Jim’s first link (WaPo: “NBC waited …”) mentions how (KNBC produced) Access Hollywood had provided the recording to NBC News back on Monday, though it was agreed that Access Hollywood was going to break the story. The Friday morning leak the the WaPo just lead to an earlier release and a WaPo scoop.

        1. Democrats put the country 20 TRILLION in debt and all you care about is a sex tape.

          Shame, shame, shame.

          History will show your utter selfishness as you ransomed the wealth and potential of your children and grandchildren.

        2. Grown ups know that Bill probably talked precisely the same way and so it doesn’t matter.

          But I think Trump has shown that he’s willing to punch back twice as hard with the seating of the women Bill allegedly abused.

          I really don’t think Hillary wants to go there because if she does, the next step is to hammer how Hillary SAID a women who claims rape must be believed but when it came down to the crunch she aided and abetted the destruction of these women.

        3. Trump is a cad, this is well known.

          Democrats are getting a big case of the how dare yous after defending Bill, the Kennedys, Weiner, and many other people with zipper problems both in and out of politics.

          It faux outrage. Nothing Trump has done isn’t accepted behavior for Democrats.

          1. You can’t be serious. Clinton never bragged about sexual assault. Weiner was forced out of politics. Gary Hart lost his shot at the White House for a consensual affair. Meanwhile Trump brags about trying to seduce a married woman (and, when she turns him down, tries to get her fired), brags about committing sexual assault, brags about strolling through pageant dressing rooms to ogle the undressed contestants, surrounds himself with a rogues gallery of adulterers and sexual predators (Ailes, Gingrich, Giuliani), and the party of “family values” rallies around him.

          2. Weiner was forced out of politics.

            Riiiight. He didn’t have a fall from the Democrat party until just recently. Even when that documentary came out, Democrats were still defending him.

            Gary Hart

            Did it cost Hart anything? Maybe this was just Democrats way to rig the primary? Cads have always had a beloved spot in the Democrat party so it seems unlikely that there isn’t a larger power struggle here.

            brags about committing sexual assault

            Kissing a willing woman isn’t sexual assault. Touching a willing person while making out isn’t either. I seriously doubt your own behavior with your wife meets your new sex laws standard.

            brags about strolling through pageant dressing rooms to ogle the undressed contestants

            You ever seen the behind the scenes of a modeling show? People are all over the place, dressed and undressed. But I guess someone noticing other people cuts down Democrats new bathroom laws.

            surrounds himself with a rogues gallery of adulterers and sexual predators

            Hillary surrounds herself with her r&pist predator husband. She was great friends with Ted Kennedy. Epstein still raises Democrats millions of dollars. Then we could talk about the endless string of adulterers in the Democrat party and Clinton campaign.

            Why wont you hold Hillary to the same standard as Trump? At least Republicans say that Trump is a cad and a jerk. Democrats think Hillary, Obama, Bill, and the rest of their party are all saints who can do no wrong and that any criticism is illegitimate and maybe even criminal.

      2. Putin is alleged to have

        At least you use alleged, since the evidence is extremely flimsy and requires us to believe that Russian hackers are incredibly incompetent.

        But you dodge the release of Trump’s tax return, which could be a very Putinesque action. Should we be surprised since the NY AG is prosecuting Trump out of politics? Democrats went ape when Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into Hillary but they are silent when Democrats are abusing government agencies and the courts to go after their political enemies.

        NBC should release the full video, since it doesn’t show the beginning of the conversation. Now its out, they have an obligation to put the whole thing up and not just the edited version.

        in the process of releasing newsworthy footage

        The LA times is still sitting on newsworthy footage of Obama speaking at the Rashid Khalidi funeral. And CBS sat on newsworthy footage that showed Obama lied in his debate when he claimed to say the terrorist attack in Benghazi was in fact a terrorist attack right away.

        Even now, the media shields Hillary from any tough questions about her debacle as Secretary of State and the tens of millions impacted by her horrific mistake in engaging in an undeclared war in Libya where she armed, trained, and funded Islamic jihadists that would become ISIS.

        1. The LA times is still sitting on newsworthy footage of Obama speaking at the Rashid Khalidi funeral.

          Birthday party. It would have been better if it was his funeral.

    3. You’re assuming this was actually something Clinton did. Since it’s tactically stupid, and the only real response seems to have been from Republican globalists, it’s far more likely to be an attack from their side.

  14. Show of hands (metaphorically) speaking: How many of you think Jim actually believes his BS? How many think he’s just, Baghdad Bob like, doggedly repeating and defending the party line because he’s a State-cultist and that’s what cultists do?

    I used to get negative comments from some of you for inventing obvious BS and having them as quotes from “Baghdad Jim.” At the time I pointed out that it was satire, and satire usually involves some form of exaggeration. But now it’s like Muggeridge’s Law has kicked in and Jim has become a caricature of himself.

    1. Is Jim psychotically and dangerously delusional, or a criminally insane compulsive lier? Same can be asked of anyone who supports Hillary at this point.

    2. Considering Jim has never shown capability for independent thought or logic; I’d say Baghdad Bob.

    3. Jim has to believe everything. That is how he gets to loot the Treasury for his own personal gain.

      Jim is a democrat because he is selfish. If he were a true, altruistic democrat he would have moved to Mass by now. Taxes are greater and regulation is stronger than New Hampshire.

    4. We don’t really know what drives Jim and I suspect we’d be horrified if we did.

      But I can say that I’ve spoken with a lot of lefties who have fixated on The Narrative and will bend their world view to match the narrative.

      An Example:

      Was speaking with a devout lefty who was complaining that the Baltimore cops all got off without punishment. The lefty said it was because they were white.

      I asked:

      Did you know that the judge was black?

      The Lefty paused and looked horrified. Oh No! – the Narrative was crumbling! But then the lefty smiled and said that the Judge must have sold out.

      Now, there’s absolutely zero evidence of that and the Lefty admitted that but the lefty stuck to the idea that the Judge is an “oreo”. Why?

      Because the NARRATIVE must be maintained and if there’s a fact that gets in the way some assumption or other will be grabbed to conform with the narrative.

      1. I’m convinced that if a rank and file leftist is forced to confront a fact they can’t spin to preserve the Narrative, their brains will crash and reboot, and the fact will conveniently never exist in their world.

  15. NBC sat on the Trump tape for 11 years while paying him tens of millions for a TV show that was watched by impressionable youngsters. NBC has no explanation of why they did that, even though the clip was horrendous enough to sack a host from [i]The Today Show[/i].

    It’s beyond time that NBC was held to account by having the FCC revoke their broadcast license. This kind of tolerance for abuse of women must end.


  16. Bickering about Trump is all well & good, but let’s admit the elephant in pants suit in the room: Hillary is pissed that Trump is horning in on her territory…

  17. As he usually does, Steyn gets to the heart of the matter and sees it clearly:

    “P*ssygate? Sorry, I decline to play by Washington Post rules. Every GOP nominee is a sexist pig: last time round, it was poor blameless Mitt with his “binders full of women” and his long track record of giving cancer to laid-off workers’ wives. The fact that this particular nominee for once actually is a vainglorious sexist is not even interesting in a media stopped-clock kind of way – because Trump has more or less been advertising the fact on the Howard Stern show for a quarter-century. So the story is chiefly of note as a near parodic example of the ludicrously lop-sided standards applied to Democrats and Republicans: I mean, the alternative to a Trump victory is the restoration to the White House of a credibly accused rapist and serial abuser, accompanied by the woman who has gleefully trashed his victims for 40 years. This race would be very different if Juanita Broaddrick and “You might want to put some ice on that” had received a thousandth of the media coverage given to Alicia Machado and “Miss Piggy”:”

    1. Trump isn’t just a sexist; he is a confessed serial sexual abuser, and at least as credibly accused a rapist as Bill Clinton. Steyn doesn’t want Clinton back in the White House residence, but is happy to put Trump in the Oval Office. And he’s complaining about lopsided standards?

        1. That isn’t the only rape allegation against Trump (see: Ivana), and I’d think the fact that the Jane Doe claim involves Clinton would make you consider it more credible.

          1. Why would a rape allegation emanating from the camp of a level 3 sex offender and Friend of Bill make me think it was remotely credible?

            Ivana testified that she was speaking hyperbolically in the heat of a contentious divorce, and they remain on good terms with one another.

            You’re just slinging mud from a glass house. It’s not sticking.

      1. “….and at least as credibly accused a rapist as Bill Clinton.”

        What accusation? What women ha e come out and accused him of raping them?

        For you, “credible” must equal “fleeting thought to support the narrative”.

        And the narrative in this case is NOT that Slick Willy is a horrid abuser of women but that he’s one of a bunch. You tried the same thing with Colin Powell’s emails and that flopped miserably as well.

        Let’s see the evidence.

        1. Easy to make an accusation isn’t it Jim…..

          A lot harder to make one that exists elsewhere than your fevered mind.

          Again when asked to provide evidence for an accusation, all we get from Jim is……


      2. Hillary confessed to getting a guy, she was convinced raped a child, off on a technicality, and then immediately laughed about it because to her, it was funny. But you want video of someone making comments objectifying women? Ok.

        Let us know when you recovered from the fainting couch, Jim. We will hand you some more pearls to clutch.

      3. he is a confessed serial sexual abuser,

        Where is that confession? The only thing being abused here is the English language by people twisting things to mean something they don’t.

      4. You know Jim, it sucks that Trump said some lewd comments. But do you know what is worse?

        Hillary pushed for a unilateral undeclared war in Libya. Part of this war as the funding, training, and arming of jihadi militias. After Gaddafi was overthrown, in epic fashion getting raped on international TV, these groups joined up with ISIS.

        This is how ISIS, as we know it, was created.

        What followed has been horror unseen since the holocaust. Thousands of women have been sold into sex slavery. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. Cultures that existed for thousands of years are now victims of genocide. Tens of millions have been displaced from their homes and lost their way of life. The refugee crisis created by Hillary and Obama has destabilized every country in the ME and even the EU, with Brexit due in part to poor handling of the refugees.

        People are being burned in cages, drowned in cages, beheaded, shot in the head, and gays are being tossed off buildings.

        Not to mention Hillary having such poor judgement that she sided with the MB forming a sharia based Islamic caliphate in Egypt.

        She didn’t even know that we already have troops in Iraq and Syria.

        The human suffering and death that were caused by Hillary and Obama’s bungling in the ME is a blunder unparalleled in American history.

        Hillary has a record. Its a record of failure and abject human suffering on par with the worst of the 20th century.

        But Trump made a dirty joke.

        1. I think it’s time that women get over the fact that all men make lewd comments. It’s not polite in mixed company but it’s the norm in the locker room.

          1. So it’s okay to brag about sexually assaulting women as long as you do it in a locker room? There’s no reason to think Trump was just making stuff up — the behavior he brags about matches that reported by women around him. If there was a recording of Bill Clinton bragging that he routinely kissed or groped women without their consent you’d consider it conclusive proof of his guilt.

          2. You just jumped to conclusions. I said men talk lewd behavior. If you’re talking about sexual assault, it’s a different story.

            But hey, if you’re bringing up sexual assault, it’s okay if Bill Clinton does it, Right? Right?


          3. Jim has probably never heard girl talk. Anyone who thinks guys are the only ones who engage in crude discussions when it comes to sex, doesn’t view women as equal human beings.

          4. Jim –

            “If there was a recording of Bill Clinton bragging that he routinely kissed or groped women without their consent you’d consider it conclusive proof of his guilt.”

            A) Trump did not brag that he did that, just the he could. And, he is probably right. If you have never been the object of amorous desire on the part of aggressive women – well, so much the worse for you. If you had Tump’s celebrity alpha male mojo, you’d have seen a lot more action.

            B) I would consider the testimony of multiple women whom Clinton did routinely kiss and grope without their consent to be conclusive proof of his guilt.

            Wodun –

            “Anyone who thinks guys are the only ones who engage in crude discussions when it comes to sex, doesn’t view women as equal human beings.”

            Oh, mah! Ah do say Ah feel the vapors coming on!

        2. Hillary pushed for a unilateral undeclared war in Libya.

          You know who else called for military action against Libya? Donald Trump.

          1. He wasn’t the person in charge who created the plan and carried it out. In other words, he wasn’t the person with RESPONSIBILITY.

          2. Take a look at the leftist Politifact,

            “I can’t believe what our country is doing,” Trump said, according to the BuzzFeed transcript. “Gadhafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around. We have soldiers all over the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.”

            First, the “impending humanitarian disaster” was an Obama lie. He said that Gaddafi was about to massacre hundreds of thousands of women and children, and that was a lie. Can we fault Trump for listening to Obama’s lies?

            Tens of millions of people are experiencing incomprehensible suffering thanks to Obama’s lies. Trump didn’t have access to the intel that Obama and Hillary did. He wasn’t in charge. Hillary and Obama were in charge.

            Obama and Hillary didn’t use our troops. They just dropped bombs and funded, trained, and armed jihadis. This actually led to the very loss of life on a mass scale that Obama and Hillary said they acted to prevent.

            “I do really want to know who these people we’re fighting for, who they are,” Trump said on March 28, 2011. “I hear they are aligned with Iran. I hear they may be aligned with al-Qaida.”

            Then when Trump sees the horrible judgement of Hillary and Obama in action, he criticizes the stupidity of it.

            These are the same people that have us fighting against Iranian proxies in Yemen and Syria while using Iranian proxy death squads in Iraq. This doesn’t even get coverage in the media because Obama instructed them not to talk about it.

            We all know the outrage if Bush had used Iranian jihadi militias to brutalize civilians in Iraq. There would be riots in the streets, calls for war crimes prosecution, and endless news coverage.

            But Trump still said, “At this point, if you don’t get rid of Gadhafi, it’s a major, major black eye for this country.”

            This is true. It would have been a black eye, just like bluffing over red lines in Syria was a black eye. Remember Syria where Obama said we would act to prevent humanitarian disaster but then didn’t? He ignored actual humanitarian disasters he promised to stop and lied about impending ones to justify pointless unilateral undeclared wars of choice.

            The fallout from the bungling in Syria and Libya are black eyes. In prior conversations you have said credibility doesn’t matter when it comes to foreign policy and we can see how damaging destroying American credibility has been for a region Democrats claim to care about.

            And when people say we should put the people who are victims of both ISIS, Assad, and their fellow refugees in the front of the line to get into the USA, Obama says that would be a racist religious test. Obama and Hillary are the ones who has the religious test and aren’t letting in religious minorities who are the victims of genocide from Hillary and Obama’s policies. Hillary was in charge of the agency that runs this process.

            Obama, Hillary, and the Democrats are such dicks that they blame people who have alternate plans for helping refugees as being the real problem without any contrition or humility for being the ones who caused tens of millions of refugees to exist.

          3. +1 to Wodun, plus, you know who else called for military action against Iraq in 2003? Bill and Hillary Clinton, both with knowledge of related intelligence on Iraq and how it was generated.

    1. “The Tea Party movement blossomed under President Barack Obama.”

      And, was promptly murdered.

      “The presidency of William Jefferson Clinton gave birth to The Weekly Standard, to Judicial Watch, even to Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report.”

      This is like saying, “cancer really stokes the old immune system.”

      “The devil you know.”

      Is still the Devil.

      ‘”If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.”‘

      This is a recipe for always having an “enemy” at the head of Government.

      “And in only one case, would he have made the difference.”

      What if there were four of him? That’s how many justices the next President may choose. One is already gone, and three are over age 77.

      ‘Could Clinton be not horrible for the economy?’

      Depends on what you think is “horrible”. Personally, I think the present economy is horrible, with sprawling deficits, anemic growth, and massive underemployment. Clinton will double down on all the things that make it horrible.

      1. For me, the biggest problem with the economy is the fascist relationship with one party government that has led to mass surveillance, control of media, and persecution of dissidents by both government agencies and violent mobs.

        This will only get worse with Clinton.

        1. Agreed. There is now no longer a question of the corruption of government and certain corporations. The WikiLeaks email releases show the corruption and the conspiracy. The economy may still be ok even with this economy, but it is unsustainable with this level of corruption. Trust is crucial in business, and there is none. The economy is already slowing, and it certainly never grew as was promised in 2009.

          The only growth came from sectors working outside of heavier federal regulated zones and occasionally suing the administrative successfully for violating their rights and laws. Hillary will stop that sort of growth.

    2. This is interesting but I think fails under the Principle of Incrementalism (trademark Rush Limbaugh)

      As any good commie democrat knows, being in power is always important, even if you only get one or two stabs at destroying the western, free-market system. In the long run, it will die of a thousand cuts.

    3. Democrats have controlled the country for much of the last hundred years. The GOP doesn’t have the experience or the desire to play the game as ruthlessly as Democrats do to retain power. The GOP leadership is used to this because they get their cut.

      A big part of the Democrats strength is their dark money and activism network and they will never allow non-Democrate to create a similar network.

      1. The dems only win by cheating so they have progressively become better and better at it. Repubs are willing to accept the BS line that it isn’t happening (even when half the votes are from fraud) as long as they win a few here and there. They have blatant fraud on camera but pretend it doesn’t exist or affect elections. If proven after the fact they allow the results to stand (Al Frankin.)

        This is a morally decayed society.

    4. — Kirk
      October 11, 2016 at 5:26 AM

      The follow-up article is now online: 5 Conservative Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton

      1. The conservative movement grows under Democratic rule.–
      Lead from behind.

      –2. The devil you know.–
      You don’t know woman

      –3. The Alexander Hamilton argument.–
      He wanted a strong central government.
      Do conservatives want a stronger Federal government?

      –4. The Supreme Court is already lost.–
      More leading from behind.

      –5. Could Clinton be not horrible for the economy?–

      Do Conservatives want the EU as the model to follow?

      1. gbaikie
        October 12, 2016 at 9:47 AM

        — Kirk
        October 11, 2016 at 5:26 AM

        The follow-up article is now online: 5 Conservative Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton

        1. The conservative movement grows under Democratic rule.–

        Btw this is main driving factor behind NeverTrump- they want to lose to Clinton and they want to be seen as on the winning side.
        Or in other words, treason.

  18. Re Jim’s loyalty (real or strategic) to the Narrative, as discussed above: what’s pathetic, of course, is that he’s being so loyal to people who in a very real sense hold him in contempt. (You can’t really respect someone you think of primarily as serf material.) Snake-oil peddlers such as Obama and the Clintons probably have about as much respect for the Jims of the world as the old-fashioned medicine-show mountebanks had for the rubes who actually bought Doctor Fixem’s Guaranteed Kickapoo Cancer, Rheumatism and Hangover Cure.

  19. Members of plenty of cultures consider their cultures to be superior, and therefore justified in oppressing or exterminating cultures they judge as inferior. That’s certainly happened a lot in our history. Not wanting to be on the receiving end of such treatment is not a new thing.

    Yet you refuse to believe that Islam is doing this.

    1. He also thinks its ok for Democrats to destroy American culture and doesn’t view objection to that as a legitimate position.

      1. Darn good point.

        Jim believes he is part of a superior culture that uses “reason” to come to its conclusions. (Nevermind that reason doesn’t work with faulty premises.) Because he is more knowledgeable and reasonable than us inferior hicks, he has the right to lord over us plebes, hoi polloi, etc.

        I wonder if democrats are born not from ideology but rather from the idea that they can have more control over others in their party rather than the republican party.

        1. I wonder if democrats are born not from ideology but rather from the idea that they can have more control over others in their party rather than the republican party.

          Near as I can tell, Democrats view themselves as the cool kids. They want to be cool so always support Democrats. It isn’t ideological, its identity. They have false identities for themselves and non-Democrats.

          I was talking to a Dem friend of mine the day of the debate. I asked him what he thought was wrong with the country and he said criminals not being punished enough and companies that take jobs overseas. I asked him what he would to and he said be tougher on crime and tax the shit out of businesses.

          I pointed out that is the same thing Trump says and my friend flew into such a rage screaming that he was nothing like Trump.

          Positions on policies don’t matter. Its all identity or the persuasion filter Scott Adams talks about.

          Identity is important because belonging to the Democrats allows one to say whatever things you want about women or race even if those things would be considered racist if said by others. And for businesses, they can do whatever they want as long as they pay off the people who control the Democrat mob.

          With Hillary, no business will be allowed to exist without paying off the Democrat party.

  20. Yep, once again the left, who destroyed morality in this country, who said what happens behind closed doors doesn’t matter, that it doesn’t affect one’s character, are now after Trump.

    Jim, you’re a hypocrite. A complete phony. Where were you when Clinton was getting a bj in the White House? I’m sure you were parroting the left’s mantra. Don’t bother with your faux outrage, it rings empty.

  21. Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy, famous for their antics at La Brasserie and the “Waitress Sandwich.”

    Oh, I didn’t hear your outrage, Jim. Where is it?

  22. Jim, have you watched TV lately? Aren’t you disgusted by the hypersexuality of young teens? You should be, but you won’t because those same television people are democrat party donors.

  23. Culture is not fixed in time. It changes and evolves. The elite would still be wearing tricorn hats, wigs and everyone else would still be a farmer. Silly to think that it should never change. History has shown you either embrace change or get run over by it.

    1. History has shown you either embrace change or get run over by it.

      Democrats don’t allow anyone to change. Just look at Democrat’s views on race. They think their party can change but not the South that they controlled for hundreds of years until the late 80’s and 90’s.

      The truth is that the South did change, just like the rest of the country, but Democrats can’t allow that to happen because they always need enemies to dehumanize as part of their racist identity politics.

      Thing is, Democrats haven’t changed. They still use racism and violence to motivate their base and persecute their opponents. Sure, the only black people they target now are Republican ones but Republicans have been victimized by Democrat violence for their entire existence.

      When the KKK was lynching black people, they were also lynching Republicans. This isn’t just behavior that took place in the South, it happened all over the country just like today, Democrats abuse power at all levels of government to persecute non-Democrats.

  24. I’m sure Jim was incensed when he read about all the JFK dalliances in the White House. Especially the one where:

    “Alford writes that JFK dared her, successfully, into giving oral sex to an aide in the pool.”

    I’m quite certain that if Bill Clinton was known to do that, Jim would not have voted for him.

    For a list of many of the JFK dalliances:

    1. JFK was a lousy person and a lousy president. I doubt his popular reputation would be nearly as good if he hadn’t been assassinated.

      1. He is still a celebrated icon in the party, same with the rest of his horrible family.

        That Democrats always elevate these type of people just shows how fake their outrage is over Trump making a lewd comment.

        When will Democrats hold themselves to some small fraction of the standards they force on everyone else?

  25. In any normal, sane, rational and reasonable world, Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” comments where she accused half of Trump’s supporters as being racists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc should have ended her campaign.

    In the 50’s and 60’s the campaign would be instantly over.

    And really to accuse people of those things is much worse than whatever body part Trump said you could grab.

    1. Not to mention her campaigns much harsher statements about all Christians than what Trump said about some illegal immigrants.

      Hillary and the Democrats use the harshest rhetoric for their fellow Americans while Trump says harsh things about people who are not Americans.

  26. And of course Slick Willy doubles down:

    “Look, man, the other guy’s base is what I grew up in,” the former president told the crowd of Clinton supporters. “You know, I’m basically your standard redneck.”

    Note the very cute wordsmithing which allows him to get the message (Trump’s supporters – all of them this time – are white racists) and attempt the lawyerly weasel words which include him as his “defense”.

    Reasonable people see right through that.

    Clintons are old hands at that. So’s Obama.

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