The Echo Chamber

The roof blows off it:

There’s no way to tell what people think. It’s impossible for most Americans to form a judgment with which they feel comfortable, because they do not have sources of information they can trust. Fox News is in a civil war between the pro- and anti-Trump Republicans. The other networks are with Hillary. The major media outlets have lost credibility. Only 32% of Americans said they had “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of confidence in the news media in a September Gallup Poll survey. That’s the lowest level in history, and should be no surprise: the major media has to spin a new cover-up every couple of days, before it is finished putting the previous set of lies to bed.

That’s why Americans don’t simply watch the nightly news and go to bed. They read the rumors on the Internet and circulate them to their friends. They create networks of people they trust in the hope of obtaining an accurate account of what is happening around them.

That’s why I’m still calling this election for Donald J. Trump. The polls are meaningless. Perceptions are morphing as rapidly as the new-model Terminator in the molten steel vat at the end of the movie. The election will be won and lost a dozen times between now and Election Day. And when Americans finally go into the voting booth, they will not be able to think of a any reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton–only reasons to vote against Donald Trump. There are far more compelling reasons to vote against Clinton. And that’s how the election will go.

I hope this is true, but I’m skeptical.

29 thoughts on “The Echo Chamber”

  1. Its a bit too early for this to be true. We are close but traditional media still has a lot of control. The democratization of media is still in its infancy, which why its important to keep the internet free and why so many seek to make it unfree.

    Giving up control of the internet to globalists is part of the war on the freedom that the internet provides.

    Another thing to consider is that people who step outside of the traditional information channels are still getting left wing agitprop.

    1. The problem Wodun, is the balkanization of information sources. If the general media is biased, it allows the truth to be ridiculed. When people have sources they trust, that the general public doesn’t share, those sources can be the sources that misleads. How does something like ‘skinhead news’ or ‘satan’s bible’ get a following? They have to say enough things that are true that their lies are ignored or believed.

      The answer is confrontation and reason (not ridicule.) If someone is trying to promote a lie, rather than ridicule it (or more often just dismiss it) the facts should be exposed. For example: Trump says elections are rigged. Instead of dismissing it or trying to frame what he said “because the media is with her” look at the data. Is there any evidence? Tons of it that both sides like to ignore. Any attempt to make voting more secure only proves there is something funny going on. The only question is not, “does it happen” the question is why it isn’t punished since the stakes are so high. Just a single stolen election for a minor seat can saddle us with things like Obamacare.

      1. The answer is confrontation and reason (not ridicule.)

        Its like Instapundit always saying that instead of giving money to the Democrat media to air commercials, big donors should buy a woman’s magazine.

    2. I agree with you Wodun. It’s growing, but still in its infancy. And globalist are trying to abort it. They will ultimately fail, but the globalist will win a few battles, and unfortunately, I think they will in the US. But they are losing in Europe.

  2. I trust the polls much more than I trust the media. Trump will lose. Hillary will not be allowed to be a terrible president as long as there is one Republican house of congress, but her gangsterism virtually guarantees 8 years. This is the FDR playbook. Hold the economy hostage with selective Keynesianism, then promise the people you are screwing more free stuff than you can possibly deliver. If they could do another Obama term they would but they can’t, so Hillary it is.

    1. In the age of ‘Comey the dirty cop’ any rationalization that gives Hillary the justice dept. is false. Her election is not something America will ever come back from. She’s not even president and she can temporarily cut off wikileaks.

      The American experiment ends under Hillary. Even the ridiculers will find this out. Wisdom does not come from 27 year old talking heads.

    2. This is the FDR playbook. Hold the economy hostage with selective Keynesianism, then promise the people you are screwing more free stuff than you can possibly deliver.

      Spot on. Unfortunately, many so-called intelligent people still fall for it. I think the reason for that is that their greediness overcomes their reason.

  3. How can the polls possibly be right? I learn I’m not the only one who hangs up on pollsters, assuming I even answer the phone. It was OK a few months ago, when there would be one or two calls a week; now it’s five or six a DAY. I don’t have time. If they really want to know what I think, they can use e-mail.

      1. Just ask president Dewey.

        They are right within the margin of error. The problem is we don’t really know that margin (which includes intentional bias.)

  4. The polls were pretty reliable in the primaries: they showed Trump and Clinton ahead from early on.

    The election will be won and lost a dozen times between now and Election Day.

    The polls have been stable for months, with Clinton consistently in the lead since the RNC.

    1. Why in the hell are they already counting ballots? Shouldn’t those all remain under lock and key until all the votes are counted? And how is publication of early voting totals any different than reporting the voting totals in Maine on election day while the California polls are still open?

      Jesus. Americans have lost their damn minds.

      1. For the same reason that the returns from certain Dem controlled urban precincts are always the last to report. Because they need to know how many votes to steal. No point in stuffing the wrong boxes with the wrong votes.

        As for mail in ballots, what’s to stop people from “harvesting” all their neighbors mail boxes and helpfully voting for them? Or how about let’s have “voting parties”? Where we all get together and mark our ballots and our helpful party organizer will make sure they all get turned in. (After making sure the ones without the “right” votes get left behind.)

        1. As for mail in ballots, what’s to stop people from “harvesting” all their neighbors mail boxes and helpfully voting for them?

          It’s two felonies (intercepting mail and vote fraud).

          1. This fantasy that Democrats have immunity to prosecution, even in states and localities with GOP majorities, is a fascinating example of magical thinking.

          2. Funny you mention magic Jim. It has a lot in common with voter fraud. The trick doesn’t seem nearly as magical when you watch four poll workers on camera stuffing reams of ballets into the box when they think nobody is looking.


        2. As for mail in ballots, what’s to stop people from “harvesting” all their neighbors mail boxes and helpfully voting for them?

          That would get noticed but if they know who has voted and who hasn’t, then there is a pool of unused ballots to act on.

      2. They aren’t. The “Early Voting In Florida Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide” story is erroneous on so many levels.
        Early voting doesn’t start until this coming Monday, so the story must be talking about vote-by-mail statistics where the state is reporting daily numbers of ballots cast and ballots outstanding, broken down by registered party affiliation, but not by candidate voted for.
        The numbers quoted, “Rep 881,274 / Dem 760,003” are wrong. Current (10/21/2016 7:15AM) FL Div Elect (via link in story) numbers are: vote-by-mail ballots cast “Rep 416,778 / Dem 399,434 / Other 26,209 / NPA154,702” and vote-by-mail ballots outstanding “Rep 818,349 / Dem 823,881 / Other 50,475 / NPA 412,212”. Perhaps their 881,274 is yesterday’s Rep vote-by-mail ballots outstanding (when they really wanted ballots cast), but their 760,003 makes no sense at all.
        Finally, it doesn’t take into account either the not insignificant percentage of Republican voters who will not be voting for Mr. Trump, or the large number of NPA ballots which polls suggest strongly favor Ms. Clinton.
        Wrong vocabulary, incorrect numbers, faulty logic. Is this an example of the quality of nontraditional media?

        1. it doesn’t take into account either the not insignificant percentage of Republican voters

          Its kinda funny looking at what group takes the burn it down approach.

      3. Those totals aren’t vote counts (which won’t be released until polls close), they’re counts of the party registrations of the voters.

    2. Yes…and it’s also a signal to the Radical Left (i.e. Democrat Party and their tools) to start the printing presses up and manufacture ballots.

      1. Start? They’ve had ballots printed for Hillary for months now. So many that people have accidentally run across some small percentage of them (still amounting to thousands.) The good news is people on the ground have been training to limit simple things like ballot stuffing (but that just requires a moment of inattention and some just push the observers out of the way.) Electronic voting is more of a problem. Mail in another. They really do have cheating down to a science and only one of many has to work. Since nothing happens when they are caught there is no incentive not to push the envelope to bursting.

        If we actually believed in the people we’d fix this.

    3. Not a single ballot has been counted, this claim is bogus. They are simply noting the numbers of registered Republicans and Democrats who have cast ballots, and pretending the Republicans are all voting for Trump. This year, that is not a valid assumption.

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