20 thoughts on “Men And Women’s Brains”

  1. So if a “woman trapped in a mans body” tested to have a brain that acted/reacted as male, would that then mean these Georgia State University scientists are sexist?

      1. Thanks Ctrot, it does. However, the Clinton Crime Network, FBI revolt and other sources suggest there is some there, there.

    1. Susan Sarandon on Hillary Clinton:

      She does not support the $15 minimum wage.
      She shows no support for legalizing marijuana.
      She supports TPP.
      She has sold fracking and Monsanto.
      She supports offshore drilling.
      She has no position on the Dakota Access Pipeline.
      She opposes the labeling of GMOs.
      She opposes the breakup of big banks.
      She takes lobbyists’ money for campaigning.
      She opposes a binding climate treaty.
      She supports unconditional military aid to Israel.

      Jim, why did you hold out on us? Why didn’t you tell me and other Randites this? Why didn’t I find out about this any sooner? What is there not to love? I love Big Sister!

        1. Are you mocking me for attempting to provoke “Jim”?

          As far as I can tell, Jim is a die hard climatista and also solidly With Hillary. For Susan Sarandon, bless her ultra-leftist heart, to claim Hillary Clinton opposes a binding climate treaty, why that is as much as calling Ms. Clinton a denier. I mean, how can you assert the facts of Climate Change and our nearness to the Tipping Point without supporting, no, demanding a binding climate treaty?

          I was checking to see how Jim’s doublethink worked on that one, but he is not commenting on my remarks. Let that be a lesson to all of us, here.

    2. “RealClearPolitics extracts the five points in Baier’s report as follows:

      The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

      The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time. ”

      Jim, why didn’t you tell me any of this as well? I thought that the laptops had been destroyed, and I had lost all faith in the FBI, Truth, Justice, and The American Way.

      It turns out that the laptops live and are being examined. Jim, why did you let me believe the Right Wing Echo Chamber on the corrupt handling of the laptops, which turned out to be untrue? Jim? Oh, Jim!

    3. Then there is this, from The Guardian, no less:


      This is unconscionable! This is outright election tampering! This is treason!

      Rank-and-file FBI agents have taken partisan sides against Hillary Clinton? Jim, where are you, are you with me on this? We should fight this, and when Hillary Clinton gets elected, she should do the full-Erdogan and purge the FBI, CIA, NSA, the Joint Chiefs, and (while she is at it and has an election mandate) the USDA and FDIC.

      This is an outrage! Let’s keep this front and center of the TV news (or at least for 4 for days).

  2. This research is obviously sexist, probably homophobic, and unquestionably racist and anti-trans. It is therefore wrong.

    Tomas, seize these researchers, take them to the forge, and show them the instruments….

  3. What nook or cranny of the female brain impels women toward socialism? I’m basing this on the Gender Gap and my own experience. Given two candidates for public office, women will almost always choose the more statist.

    1. Bilwick,

      I believe the single women are statist. The statistics I’ve seen show married women to be conservative. Hitler also got the single women vote. The state is a big sugar, all protector, take care of my baby if I don’t abort it first daddy.

      I wonder why certain men become statists. Probably the same reason: a big sugar daddy.

        1. Is that why certain college men go to feminista meetings? They must be desperate if they’re willing to date such haters.

          1. Like George Costanza answering personal ads in the Daily Worker. “They say ‘looks don’t matter,’ Jerry! Looks don’t matter!”

    2. It is the yang and the yin, the masculine and the feminine. Socialism is suffocating maternalism. Capitalism is kick-em-out-of-the-nest paternalism.

      Eastern philosophies hold that these two poles must be balanced for peace and harmony. When the balance it tipped to one side or the other, chaos and suffering ensue. I find myself more and more inclined toward this position as I accumulate life experience.

      1. Yep… 🙂

        edit: WordPress complained my original comment was “too short.” Sheesh. What’s next, a style guide? Proper use of self-selected pronouns?

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