6 thoughts on “The Original War On Christmas”

  1. The NAZIS had their own form of Christianity, but not that unique. Many Christians today recognize that Christmas predates Christ in the form of the Roman Saturnalia (Lupercalia being their summer festival.)

    People generally have a very limited and incorrect view of history… more like a cartoon version.

    Santa used to be an actual thin bishop in 270 helping poor woman with their dowries. Coca Cola gave us our modern version in the 1930s.

  2. For the dopes who think the Nazis were “Christians”, answer me this: Do you REALLY think you-know-who would participate in a religion whose central figure was a Jew?

  3. It goes to show humanities amazing ability to bend reality. Not all Germans were NAZIS, but all early christians were jews (until Peter got the update.)

    Individual NAZIS probably didn’t have unified views. Would they have eaten there own as SJW do today?

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