12 thoughts on “Putin’s Biggest Lackey”

  1. What I want to know is if the bathroom e-mail server was “no big deal”, why is Russian hacking a very, very big deal?

    It’s either one or the other, no? Jim, oh Jim! I’m confused — can you explain this to me?

    1. I can explain. The bathroom email server only hurt the USA. The Russian “hacking” may have hurt the Democrat party.

    2. Or why it was so easy for the Russians to hack the DNC and Podesta but no one access Hillary’s poorly secured server.

  2. That’s enough uranium to make a minimum of 55 and a maximum of 275 bombs. Yet it somehow is a great deal in terms of the Iran “nuclear deal?” WTF? I genuinely don’t get how the MSM is not in arms over this. It’s a real, genuine, “existential threat.”

    1. This and the $10+ billion Obama gave Iran plus all of the secret side deals and outright lies to the press, you think the press would jump all over the fake deal.

  3. So it’s basically a deal where the Russians sell them uranium in exchange for heavy water. Well it seems like a good deal to me as long as the Iranians don’t get to keep the reactor waste products. It basically means it will be harder for the Iranians to get plutonium.

    You guys forget that Iran has natural reserves of uranium. Fact is other than invading Iran or forcing their hand somehow there is little chance of preventing them from getting a bomb if they really want one.

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