8 thoughts on ““Journalism””

  1. Any discussion of comparative crowd sizes should include the fact that Democrats mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to engage in terrorism to prevent people from attending. That the media refuses to cover these terror tactics and who funds and organizes them is a disgrace.

    1. Let it not be forgotten that Ted Kennedy, Democratic hero, Loin of the Senate, ad nauseum, survived more than Chappaquiddick. He survived cold hard proof of high treason.


      So, murder AND treason. As for the MSM, I can only note that Trump drew more bad press for his poor dancing skills at the inaugural ball than Ted Kennedy did for treason.

      1. He, along with Senator Dodd, also participated in a waitress sandwich which would’ve raised howls of protest had they not been good liberal Democrats.

        Those to the manner born who’ve been in trouble — Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd, for instance, who participated in the famous “waitress sandwich” at La Brasserie in 1985, while their dates were in the bathroom — have tended to get out of it by claiming that their boyish high jinks had simply gotten out of hand.

  2. Yeah, it’s a lot further back than Clinton’s presidency. Cronkite flat-out lied about Tet. And Walter Duranty got a Pulitzer.

  3. No kidding. I still remember the news coverage at the time of the original Gulf War. You could hardly find anything more jingoistic than that. Back then the US was considered the major victor of the Cold War and nothing the US did could ever be considered to be wrong. Well Saddam did start a war of aggression so the counter action was warranted but we clearly see the same rationale doesn’t apply when its Saudi Arabia putting its troops into Bahrain or in Yemen. So whatever.

    1. I think SA was acting on our behalf there and to aide their ally. The war existed before they entered it. They didn’t go in until there were too many targets to get droned.

      Neither the drone war before or the current war there gets any coverage in our media. It almost like they didn’t want Americans to know about how many wars we are in. I suspect that will change soon.

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