Reversing aging in mice:

In the latest paper, the scientists revealed new details on how NAD+ works to keep cells young. Sinclair put drops of NAD+ into the water of a group of mice, and within a couple of hours, their NAD+ levels started to rise. Within the first week, the scientists saw obvious age reversal in muscle and improvements in DNA repair. “We can’t tell the difference between the tissues from an old mouse that is two years old versus a young mouse that is three to four months old,” Sinclair says.

I’ve started taking it myself. And this is interesting, too:

“The idea is to protect the body from radiation exposure here on earth, either naturally occurring or doctor-inflicted,” he says. “If I were going to have an X-ray or a CT scan, I would take NMN beforehand.” He already has plans to go even farther than earth: NASA is collaborating with Sinclair’s group on the human tests to see if it’s possible to insulate astronauts from the effects of cosmic radiation in space.

That would be nice.

[Sunday-afternoon update]

This looks like a promising similar breakthrough.


15 thoughts on “NAD+”

  1. “I’ve started taking it myself.”

    Me, too. Along with glycine. What brand of NMN do you take?

        1. From what I’ve read, I believe they’re different stages of the metabolic process. You take the riboside and the mononucleotide is a result.

  2. Huh, the stuff you take has a warning “Keep out of reach of children.” I wonder if they would regress to fetuses. (Feti?)

      1. I use the Niagen, but am anxious to get the NMN. And for the record, I’m already a 62 year old adolescent.

  3. I’m kind of amazed so many of you are willing to be lab rats. Considering all the past failed attempts at the Fountain of Youth, as well as all the other things establishment science has gotten wrong about nutrition, I cannot imagine ingesting something like this based on an unproven hypothesis for which there are no long term results available. Makes me think of radium water.

  4. Well, I don’t know if I’m getting any younger, but I do have a strange craving for cheese…and the neighborhood cats have started to chase me.

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