2 thoughts on ““Hate Speech””

  1. Dean should run on a presidential ticket with Bernie Sanders as his running mate. The Constitutional Illiterate and the Economics Illiterate–the Democratic Dream Team!

  2. If the American Nazi Party wins a court case allowing them to march thru Jewish neighborhoods in Skokie,

    If a hippie wins a court case allowing him to burn a US Flag outside offices filled with civil servants,

    If a porn publisher wins a court case allowing him to mock a Christian pastor with reference to indecent, and Biblically forbidden, sex acts,

    If a poseur who never served in the military wins a court case allowing him to wear unearned military badges of valor intended for real veterans, some of whom died in service,

    Can a fraud win a court case allowing him to punish opponents as”shills” for pointing out a data-graph is, at very best, statistically problematic?

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