15 thoughts on “Elon’s Latest Scheme”

  1. Whoa, his disclaimer about nausea and seizures was no joke. I could only watch a few seconds of that before I had to turn it off.

    1. I thought a bigger problem than the lighting was the wobbling. Changing the lighting design should be relatively easy. Trying to ride on something that unstable sounds much worse.

      1. Wobbling and lighting were not the focus of the test. Actually, the only reason for this test is most people lack the imagination to see a thing unless they are lead by the hand. They obviously have a lot to do before actual implementation. I don’t see a reason for any lighting at all when moving. Interior vehicle lighting will not cause disorientation (or perhaps just some dim lights on the sled itself.) Getting wobble out of the final version should not be a big problem.

        Going up the wall on turns should be fun.

  2. I think he has surreptitiously hired Dr. Emilio Lizardo and is looking for a short cut to Mars through the 8th dimension.

  3. Much simpler than hyperloop which means much more likely to be implemented. I wish the test had included at least one switch. I expect they will include breaking sensors to deal with obstructions?

    This could happen very fast.

    1. Genesis II, that’s the name I couldn’t think of the other day.

      Welcome to the mars intercity shuttle. Tokens are one mars dollar in the current market metals exchange rate to any point on the planet. Be sure to schedule rest stops appropriately.

  4. Who would have believed that one man would solve both the missile gap and the mineshaft gap?

    1. Musk has said it over and over, but human [inertia?] can’t seem to follow. Incremental change can benefit an existing process. But people imprison themselves in incrementalism before they’re actually committed to some process which may be nuts.

      Musk just says, start with first principles and a clean sheet and see where that takes ya. That, plus he isn’t afraid of what others might think.

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