10 thoughts on “Some Good Advice For Trump”

  1. There is some good advice in there.

    I would add to use surrogates to go after opponents, not to just be silent.

    Also, its foolish to think the DNC media was ever going to come down hard on McAuliffe. Katrina is the perfect example of how the media will go through great lengths to manufacture a narrative that is at odds with reality.

    I’ve also read that Trump’s tweets are written by more than just Trump. There is something more going on here. Can we tell if he uses a third party program to schedule tweets? It would be hilarious if Trump is sound asleep but the DNC media wakes up at 3am because his account sent out a tweet.

  2. Rand, maybe everybody, not just Mr. Trump or Mr. Anthony, could benefit from filtering, tempering or moderating their remarks for intemperate or inflammatory content? It isn’t just about Free Speech but about anticipating how other people will react to what one says that could put the speaker in a whole lot of hurt?

    So when Mitt Romney demands, “Apologize!” The words that has everyone agitated, this time, are “both sides.” Both sides, or was it many sides, the protestors along with the counter-protestors were said to share blame for the tragic outcome?

    Mr. Trump may be arguably correct, but sometimes sticking to true words that get everybody upset may not be worth it?

    Is this like that time I was reading a blog where a connection was drawn between a major research university investigating allegations of wrong doing of a “star” scientific investigator and its investigations or lack thereof of its “star” revenue sports coaches? Only it was put in much more blunt and perhaps vulgar language, and at the time my reaction was, “Gee, did they have to say it that way? This is really going to raise a (stuff) storm!”

    But there is Truth and not shrinking from it — are we offering President Trump good advice? But maybe the same Truth can be disclosed more gently? Look what is happening to James Damore, but then again, he is going to be seated at the courtroom Plaintiffs table?

    1. The thing is, Republicans have been taking the high road, and/or wimping out on responding, for decades now. Where has it got them?

      It’s like graffiti. The more you ignore it, the worse the problem becomes. Pro-active clean-up showed that it’s better to nip it in the bud. Reps gave a pass to the little stuff, and it mushroomed into a nearly uncontainable PC culture conflagration. Trump said to hell with that, and rushed into the building to save the baby. I hope he makes it back out.

      1. I would have preferred someone not Trump to do this role. It would have been awesome if Romney didn’t back down in the debate after Crowley lied.

        People upset at how Trump acts need to remember how Obama treated everyone. Democrats always act with incivility. Not just random people on the internet, they can actually be very nice, but their elected leaders. Trump isn’t breaking new ground, he is just acting like Democrats do.

        I’d prefer neither do but if we only have rules that apply to some, we don’t have rules.

        It is really pretty simple though. When someone insults you, you retort in kind rather than look at the ground and engage in public flagellation to show you are really a good person. Any Republican could choose to do this.

  3. If I may say something negative about Trump?…

    Yesterday in Phx he made remarks about losing the ObamaCare repeal by one vote and days earlier about Mitch falling down on the job. It makes me wonder if he understands the following:

    Anyone that knows anything about politics knows they don’t take a vote until after they poll the members to figure out a predicted result.

    If a vote fails it most likely was intended to fail… but the important point is just because somebody voted in favor doesn’t actually mean they wanted the thing to pass. Political machinations usually go beyond what is exposed on the surface.

    To fight that, Trump needs to get a clue or he will continue to not make headway even if his supporters got McCain out.

    1. C’mon, President Trump indeed has a clue.

      The days are long gone when the Senate would meet as a body, statesmen like Daniel Webster would make impassioned speeches, and members would be influenced in their votes.

      The days are long gone when the Party Whip could actually threaten anyone. “Hey, Susan, I know you have concern about the repeal bill, but that highway bridge up in Maine, shame that the vote would fail on that.” No, the vote-whip negotiation goes something like, “Susan, the Republican Caucus and the American People really need your vote on Repeal — we can ‘straighten this out’ in Conference but without your vote the whole thing goes down in flames.” “Gee John, I’d love to help you out, but Repeal and Replace was never a big thing in Maine, and already people are running TV ads on me.” “OK Susan, a Senator has to do what they have to do for reelection, I think we have enough votes but I will get back to you.”

      In this process President Trump and Majority Leader McConnell and Majority Whip Cornyn must have had their votes lined up, ya think? And then a certain someone, who could that be, a retired United States Navy Captain, maybe, changed his mind in the last second and voted no? On account of his “legacy” now that with high probability he won’t stand for reelection? Because he is a self-styled Maverick? Because he is a stuff-head Navy Aviator with a high opinion of himself?

      Mr. Trump had a promise from Mr. McConnell that this vote would go through along with an assurance that Mr. McCain would not defect. What is the president supposed to do, phone the Senior Senator from Arizona and say, “I know you are with me on this vote, but I am nagging you just the same in case you are wavering?” If the president had a clue that Senator McCain was wavering, don’t you think he would have done the full Lyndon Johnson on him beforehand instead of after-the-fact. President Trump is not that stupid.

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